
Spotlight on Centerstage [Abraxas Fam]



5 Years
Dire wolf

08-29-2017, 05:46 AM

Sleep had become a thing of legend to the dark colored female, but when she did finally find it, she slept as though she were dead and there was not a force on earth that could wake her. There was one chink in her armor though, Aaliyah's shrill little mouse voice. Momma!... Clawing her way to consciousness, Naamah's mismatched eyes stared unblinking and wide, before she slowly closed and then opened them again. Was...'Liyah...on the mouth of the den? Surely not...

"'Liyah..." The tone was a warning, double noted as Lilith chimed in with her slightly deeper voice. Too late, there was a massive black paw breaking down her walls, and Gaios was soon to follow his sister outside. Damn, if they could climb the wall, they would be independent soon. Scrambling to look outside the den mouth, Naamah watched as her children found their cousins and decided to properly introduce themselves. A much slimmer woman exited the den, and she made her way to sit close by Amon, eyeing the hare at the mouth of their den, and the mess he made of her wall. "This is not being what the wall is making for, Amon." With a false anger the shadowy goddess eyes him, flicking her black tail to curl around her paws before cracking a smile. "But, the hare is being nice, and I will be taking your apology when there are not being so many close. Thanking you." Her expression was one of happy pride as she gave him a once over and then let her garnet and ruby gaze go to her children.

She recognized a few of the wolves easily, Pyralis and Skia standing out the most to her, and oddly enough for entirely different reasons. Still, she inclined her head to the group and subconsciously moved closer to Amon. Lilith growled silently in the confines of her mind, "Too many...This is too many." The internal response to this was to hush, there were wolves here who thought her to be a mortal. She would like it to stay that way.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.