
The New Millennium


08-29-2017, 02:17 PM
The man had been watching Mara’s little ones grow with a sense of pride. He felt… strangely happy. Sure he wasn’t one to show it, keeping a serious expression much of the time… but surely Mara had to have noticed how he stuck close to the family. Even if she and Ruthger were not mates… he felt glad to have met the man. His personality seemed right for Mara in a way. They could definitely work on a partnership for the children’s sake even if there wasn’t necessarily love. Félicien gave a soft chuckle. My, how times had changed since he’d gotten older. He was what, nine years old now? Great, he thought, he was an old fart. An old fart that still had fire in his soul and a purpose to live out.

Féli stretched that morning, waking a little later than usual. The summer warmth, though milder than usual, was welcome for the brute. But now, he thought to himself, was not the time to be thinking of summer’s gifts. He tilted his head back, calling for Mara.

How long had it been since he and his protege sparred? He dug his claws into the soil and perked his ears up. He also couldn’t help but wonder how Zephyr had been. Was he still in Boreas? The brute’s silver gaze danced across the landscape before him. Who knew? Perhaps before long he’d even be helping teach the children about sparring and whatnot. They were certainly going to be capable little buggers. The thought made him feel better about his age; while Félicien had no intentions of dying anytime soon he felt glad to know that wolves like Mara, Ruthger, and their children were going to carry on after him.

Finally, hearing her approach Félicien closed his eyes, rumbling in a gentle tone. “Almost feels like old times… except back then I’d have to get hunting for you to start our sessions.” A small grin had appeared on his face. “I wonder if any of your boys will be like that? Or do you think they’re all too adventurous to be lazy?” This time he opened his eyes, turning slowly to face her. Surely she must have guessed the reason for his call? He’d already been training with Ruth a bit… so wasn’t it natural he’d test her skills again as well?