
I Bring The Weather With Me



6 Years
08-29-2017, 04:43 PM
She shrugged a shoulder noncommittally at his short reply, as though hardly surprised that he would agree. Her attention was mainly gripped by how awkward the poor soul seemed to look, and so uncertain, too! Shaking her head and chuckling, the red woman found it all too funny. The boy was pretty good looking, too bad he seemed to be lacking in confidence, or at least he was when compared to her. Admittedly she was dripping with that self-assured sort of swagger, so it wasn't too surprising to her that she'd met someone else who couldn't compete.

Sitting down in front of him in an incredible act of self-restraint, Isk raised a brow as he shared his own name, "Bless you," she muttered halfway under her breath. That name sure was a mouthful and then some. Shifting gears at the speed of light the woman lit up t the question, more than happy to share any and all personal information he was interested in, "Oh yeah!" her voice was lud and bubbly as ever, "My whole family looks like this, though I'm the only red one. Mithras, my dad, he's one colorful guy. Not only was he massive, taller than you, he was all sorts of colors, violets and magentas, amber, gold, orange, some red, and on top of it all he was like me with that starry sky look goin' on. All of us are like that, just different colors. Mom's blue and so is my sister Artemis, who is also super tall. Leto's another colorful one, mostly black with all kinds of colors on her pelt. You know an Aeris when you see one. I was told that all of our extended family are similar." She shrugged, it was all old news to her, but she did like getting those shocked and amazed looks when she talked about her family. It meant she was holding someone's entire focus in her paws, which was a sensation Iskra could never get enough of. "Of course, they're not just interesting because of the pretty colors and starry markings, all my relatives have some pretty standout personalities too," she had to laugh at the thought. Some stood out in different ways than others, but the bottomless well of confidence and tendency to be a little chaotic held true for most of them.

After her little spiel about herself, Iskra turned the questions right back at Rory, "What's your family like? How is it, living in a pack?" It had been more than a little while since she'd experienced pack life since she never actually ended up joining the pack Artemis was in before it fell. A shame, but, she was still enjoying the loner life enough to not be too bothered.