
I could really use a wish so can those airplanes be like shooting stars?



3 Years
08-29-2017, 06:48 PM
(Language warning for this post)

If Mammon had been capable of pity she would have felt it for the poor pitiful creature before her, as resplendent as her pelt was the girl was clearly traumatized, taking a startled step back as the vixen approached. She spoke in a softness that did nothing to negate her thick accent and though she hid it Mammon was elated, she had always imagined that those who struggled with the common language were woefully under prepared to deal with deception. 

Though she agreed with her brother's statement she would have worded it more carefully, and as her jaw parted to try and repair any damage his thoughtless inflection may have done to their deception she found she would have no more chances to ply her trade. She bit down on the growl that threatened to pull from her throat as a woman, only slightly older than herself, placed herself between them and their prey. Another yearling would join the scene shortly after, both the new comers smelt of many wolves and she had to surmise they were of a pack. 

That gave Mammon pause, even if only for a moment, as much as it was her and Levi against the world she wasn't sure she was ready to get involved with a pack... yet. She remained silent this time, as much as she felt words were more her thing than her brother's he was definitely the brawn's of the two of them and she trusted his ability to back up his words. 

Still another would join them and though Mammon had been eyeing up the speckled woman, calculating,this new comer would pull all of her attention. He spoke in such a way that was familiar to the girl, it was their own way with words and she recognized in him a legitimate threat, unlike the two before him. Her lips curled as she turned to face him directly, she would not turn her back on such a one. She stepped into line with her brother, she appreciated his protectiveness but she would not cower behind him, ears pulling back into a fearsome mask of seething hatred. She could feel his leering gaze upon her like a hot iron. 

"Try me." She hissed, baring fangs in a clear display of her willingness to fight back. "I fucking dare you. "

Walk "Levi" "Ava" Think

Leviathan or "Levi" as Mammon's brother and lover is welcome to crash all her threads regardless of tag rating.[Image: GMZH5Ns.png]