
Oria and Hymn return [Closed]



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
08-29-2017, 07:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-10-2018, 06:25 PM by Hymn.)
You read that right, Shelby's girl Oria and my boy Hymn are making a return to Boreas with some rugrats in tow... well yearlings anyways.

Their basic history is as such:

While he was away Hymn fell in love with a woman who did not return his feelings, but became pregnant with his child and in that spring gave birth to a female pup they named Canticle. While Hymn loved his daughter he was suffering being linked to a woman who didn't reciprocate his feelings so they agreed to free him and in a years time he would return to offer his daughter a chance to join him.

During that time away Hymn met Oria and their courtship began. The two were very much in love and some time later Oria became pregnant. That second spring rolled around and when Hymn returned to the place of his former mate and daughter but found both of them were gone, and while he wanted to try and follow Canticle, Oria was close to birthing and that summer their litter was born.

With little hope of picking up his daughter's trail Hymn remained with his young family and the new parents agreed to move their family back to Boreas to be with Hymn's mother, but they agreed to wait til their children were a year old and able to handle the journey.

And that brings us to you! Neither Shelby nor I want to take a yearling at this point and were looking for 1 to 3 players to take on these yearlings.

There are a few things to keep in mind, both Hymn and Oria are of a lighter alignment and their kids shouldn't have an alignment lower than true neutral without good IC reasons, and while both the parents have some markings worth gems since these kids were born off site any coloration or other species markings will have to be paid for in full. They are all also summer babies and Hymn plans to take them to Fiori to be with his adoptive mother Ara.

Both parents are prone to specific names. Hymn would be inclined to name his children after things to do with Music and Literature (with a specific interest in naming a daughter Novel the third) while Oria is more likely to pick Italian names. 

Alright onto the fun, Designs!
#1#2, #3#4. More may be incoming and of course feel free to design you own, Hymn's blood parents are both linked in his profile for an idea of his genes. I would prefer them all to have at least one "destruction" line under an eye but that's up to you. 

[b]OOC Name:[/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Apperance:[/b] At least site minimum
[b]Personality:[/b] At least site minimum
[b]RP Sample:[/b] At least site minimum

I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3