
I could really use a wish so can those airplanes be like shooting stars?



2 Years
08-29-2017, 07:53 PM

Leshia glared at the male as he called her a little girl. Why were all these yearlings so bloody tall? Speaking of bloody tall yearlings she felt a rush of relief as Lirim's new alpha appeared. Good, now things were at least somewhat even. She'd been raised as a fighter before her interests took her down the path of a hunter but even then she wasn't sure she could win in a two on one fight. Ruaidhrí spoke and she smirked. "I was wondering who'd been following me, don't worry about it, I'm glad you're here." Leshia didn't know much about Jewell but the manner in which the other spoke was… certainly strange. Her nostrils flared as she picked through the tangled scents, her stomach dropping every moment until the strange male stated what she feared. Rape. It made her sick to think of it and she was about ready to take the young mans statement as a confession except the scents didn't line up.

As if that wasn't bad enough another male showed up, older, and stinking of cruelty… and Jewell. A vicious snarl ripped from Leshia's lips. There was no mistaking it. "Alpha, that's him. That's the rapist, the scents match up. Please tell me we get to crunch his face off." She was somewhat relieved to see the other female yearling turn on the strange male. Good. It would make things easier if the culprit was short on allies but she couldn't be a hundred percent sure. Thankfully Frostbite showed up. They would tear this man limb from limb though at Frostbite's words Leshia found herself nodded. Right, they needed to take care of Jewell first. She turned to Jewell moving to stand at the girls other side. "Jewell we're going home, lean on me." She offered her shoulder, hoping the other would understand. When they got to the water she'd take the other girl on her back and swim back to the main land… oh boy that was going to be a swim but she was going to make it. If just for the satisfaction of making sure the pile of horseshit that was this criminal could watch his quarry be taken away to safety while he couldn't do anything about it. She turned to Frostbite and the alpha. "Right then, bring me back a souvenir."
