
got nothing but dreams inside {spider}



6 Years
08-30-2017, 08:05 PM

The wolf and the bird had done nothing but talk to each other since their reunion, they both found that there was much to talk about. Spider had told Echo about Shiloh and the hole losing him had left in his heart and Echo had told him about the terrible rumors circulating the southern continent. Talk of war and more concerningly of wolves claiming to be gods.  It as then that Spider had decided to turn his attention further north, to hopefully avoid the coming fray and the titan wolves that seemed hellbent on bringing destruction.

For all the pain Shiloh had caused him Spider still found himself marking his trail as the duo moved further up north. Echo wasn’t particularly fond of the idea but said nothing on the matter, with any luck the male would never find them and with time would even fade from the dusty wolf’s memory.

“So you’ve been here before?” Echo asked perched on the wolf’s back and holding on to his fine and silky fur.

“O-o-o-once yes.” He responded. “I m-m-met a b-b-blind g-g-girl w-who u-used a l-leopard t-t-to g-g-g-guide her.”

“Well what were you doing so far North in the first place anyway?” The bird asked, tilting his head to the side

“L-l-looking f-for B-b-b-boneset.” He said and paused to think “Actually if you could help me find some now…They grow in stalks with leaves that slope down, the flowers are small and white and look almost like snowflakes.” Spider said clearly. Whenever the subject of healing or herbs came up he always spoke clearly although he didn’t seem to be aware of it. He was almost an entirely different person; calm and methodical completely unlike the fidgeting mess he usually was.

Echo smiled to himself. “Right, downward sloping leaves and small white flowers.” He repeated before pushing off and taking to the air.

Spider had in fact been so absorbed in his conversation with the bird that the presence of the other wolf had gone completely unnoticed regardless of how large he was or the golden shine of his fur. It wasn’t until he followed the vanishing bird along the path of the wall that he noticed the strange male and immediately felt his blood run cold.

Spider   Echo  Toad