
there's a fog from the past {samael}

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
08-30-2017, 08:28 PM

The nudge at his shoulder was meant to direct him to shore, apparently. Following after his brother, he found the water receding from his limbs bit by bit. Fine, he's stop bellyaching. The younger male was probably trying to be helpful, but it stung to be constantly reminded of his disability. Mouth filled by his meal, he waited until he was a few steps from the river before lowering himself onto the sand. It was irritating under his massive form, worming its way under his fur and scraping against his sensitive skin. He grumbled wordlessly to himself at the nuisance. The onslaught of water from his brother's pelt forced him to crinkle his face up and squeeze his eyes shut. They might not have light receptors, but they definitely felt it when water hit them. When Samael was done, he licked the water from his jowls.

Tucking the fish under one paw, he settled in to eat. It was easier to eat when he could feel where the body was positioned. The first bite was sensational, the first bit of fresh meat in a while. Oily, but delicious. The chunks of flesh slithered past his tongue and down his throat, ravenous bites tearing away chunks. Something dropped onto the sand beside him. Whump. Tall alabaster audits swivelled automatically to the source of the sound. "This is my apology for the rotting fish being thrown out.." His brother murmured into his ear, snout extremely close to his face. That same snout pressed against his cheek tenderly, breathing in unabashedly.

Damn right you're apologising. Someone else might have needed that, starving and alone in this heathen land. You forgot everything, when you Fell, didn't you? You don't care about anyone, do you? While they were his first thoughts, they weren't expressed verbally. Samael had repented and been banished, and that was enough. The sentence had been carried out, and that had been the end of it. You know, aside from the maiming or death that should have occurred when Gabriel had encountered him in the cavern.

He investigated the mystery item that had been dropped near his paws. Stretching his free paw, he touched it gently. Ew. Slimy. He continued to press his pawpads against it, and deduced it was a fresh fish. The one that Samael had caught earlier? Hm. Apology accepted, he guessed. The heavy footfalls of the titanic male receded, and he was saying something under his breath. With a mouth busily chomping on fish meat, he couldn't pick it up over that sound. He did, however, hear the heavy flop of densely packed muscle hitting the earth a fair distance away.

"You're usually so talkative, Luci. Did someone steal your tongue?" That wasn't the phrase. Gabriel didn't really know better or care enough. He wasn't about to stop eating to really pay attention to what was eating his brother, because he was hungry. However, he owed the male that much.




Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.