
turn off all the lights



7 Years
07-01-2013, 08:54 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The longer she stayed in the large, dark wolf's presence the more she felt inclined to abandon her precious etiquette and propriety. It was becoming increasingly obvious he had no sense of it, slinking close and verbalizing a future that she had no intention of being a part of, a future determined solely by him. And who exactly does he think he is to speak so! It was only then that she realized she had no name to call him by, nothing but a mysterious description to identify him. An oppressive shadow of a wolf who thought so highly of his worth that he would declare strangers his. "There is a first for everything," she answered him challengingly, a low growl of warning beginning to build in her throat. A first even for her to completely lose her temper.

He clicked his jaws, eliciting a flinch from the on-edge wolf before she realized what she had done, and very minutely her growl rose in volume. Oh, he did think himself so invincible, did he? That she would succumb to his whims without a thought and follow him like some lost puppy, merely there to do his bidding and satisfy his needs? How much easier this would have been if she was anything like her sister! Brynn had been a beauty, but a brawny, strong beauty, the type that inspired stories of heroism not rescue. She wasn't afraid to scuffle with the boys, while Tahlia had sat those sessions out, preferring to protect her looks to learning defense. And as it crossed her mind then, the scars she might receive because she defended herself, she wondered if it would even be worth it. She was already tarnished goods once for having been married; could she live knowing her good looks, that she had tried so hard to preserve, were officially gone too?

Mimicking his movements, the full figured wolf lowered her head to better protect her throat, squaring her stance as came naturally though she still warred with herself about fighting. It was a dangerous endeavor, whether she worried about her looks or not, and the prospect of losing was not one that suited her. "Such confidence," she mocked, her tone goading as she attempted to distract and threaten him as best as she could think to. "Would you be so confident standing up alone against the might of the Seracia? They would never let you take me." Not exactly a lie - though she doubted they would allow one of their own to be kidnapped against their will - but without them knowing her current whereabouts, or even that she was in danger, the threat was practically empty. Tahlia only hoped that she might make it convincing enough to make him back off or at least think twice about singling her out as his target.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier