
there's a fog from the past {samael}

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
08-30-2017, 10:04 PM (This post was last modified: 08-30-2017, 10:05 PM by Gabriel I.)

Apparently Sam found something funny. He wasn't sure what about it was so funny, but he ignored that part. Instead, he crunched the delicate bones of the fish between his teeth. All of the sudden Samael was talking, and it sounded pretty important. He stopped crunching, and listened to what his brother had to say. Paws crossed one over the other, he kept his mouth shut. "I'm sorry Gabe. I'm sorry I fucked up. I'm sorry I fell in love. I'm sorry I couldn't condemn my children for my sins.... But there's one thing I will not be sorry for Gabe, and that's this feeling I have. I know my past may be jaded but just try to remember that perhaps I am but a man under everything. I'm just as flawed as everyone else. No one's perfect not even Mikey." His soft voice rumbled into the air, audible clearly even over the rush of the river beside them. Well, that was a lot all at once.

Taking a deep breath, he abandoned his meal. Swallowing what was left in his mouth, he got to his feet. Samael was loud by nature, and so it was easy as pie to know where he was at most times. Soft steps would carry him onto a slightly more grassy part of the riverbank. He could feel the spiky strands under his feet. "Oh Luci, I'm well aware of how good you are." Gentle and sonorous vocals would croon, the same gentle tone he used when the boy was oh so young. There still was fear in him, of Father's wrath and his own desire to be good. He did not use Samael's real name. Crown lowered towards the ground, he sought out his brother's form in the grass. The soft sound of his shaky breathing met his ears. "I know there is good in you, brother mine." He continued, whiskers brushing against his brothers bent neck. Gabriel aligned himself with his brother's curled body, draping his upper half across his back and shoulders.

Salmon appendage would slide from his mouth, and lave over the top of Samael's head. "I must stand by my actions, as heartless and cruel as they may be. I made a choice, and to deny it would be unfair to you, dear brother." He was practically whispering, sightless gaze lowered as he soothed his younger sibling. A soft hum would rumble through his chest, a tune he'd carried from when he was young. "I hold nothing against you, you chose as I would have, if I am to tell the truth. It was brave, and for that I do admire you. My own cowardice haunts me, and I must accept that burden for your sake." He continued, after a short while. Samael's crown was beyond clean, but he was still nibbling at the fur of his ears, pulling dead fur away and cleaning them gently.

"Hush now, little brother. It's been an eventful day. You rest, I'll keep an eye out." It was a command, without a doubt, despite the soft voice used. Samael needed to rest, and calm down. Gabriel would make sure nothing happened.




Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.