
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
08-31-2017, 04:23 PM

Fighting against his opponents was no easy task, but at least he didn't have to go at it alone. Fern had been helping him, but it appeared that she would take a good bite to her face and fall away from them. His heart hammered against his chest from it all. Full of adrenaline and anticipation, he didn't feel any pain for now, but he was sure that would all change later on once the adrenaline died down. As Fern fell away from them, Dragon would untangle himself from this brawl before he got teamed up on. He knew Justice was angry with him, but he still didn't hold any ill feelings towards her. The pack was desperate. And in the wake of their desperation he had to choose between family or survival. Of course, survival won out. The thought of going and asking other packs for help didn't truly sit well with him, he felt it would make them seem weak, and he wasn't going to let other packs think that. So instead, they chose to fight for what they needed, and now here they were.

As he disengaged from the two Celestians, he caught sight of Greed going against two others, and Dragon was en route until someone else caught his attention. The black and white form was familiar, and he felt his heart drop again. Torn between the feelings he had and the duty he had to his pack, he almost felt like he was at a loss. All around him, he could hear the snarling and roaring of fights as they broke out around him, and since nobody else had leaped out at him after he tore himself away from Justice and Regulus, he figured the others all had their paws full. He stood there a moment, Kimahri racing up beside him as he spat out red hairs from his tongue. "Move, kid!" He yelled at the earthen male. Pulling himself from his momentary blank state, he quickly looked around again before deciding. Green gaze locked on Valor. He had decided that he would take him on instead of one of his other packmates, especially since it seemed that all around, everyone was trying to severely injure one another. He well and truly didn't want to hurt Justice, and now, Valor.

Without any more hesitation, Dragon broke out into a full on sprint towards the younger male. He aimed to close the distance between them, gaze hardened as he tried not to show the conflict of his emotions. His hackles never fell from the previous fight, so they stood up all along his spine. Tail flagged out for balance, nails biting into the dirt as his toes spread. His head lowered over his throat, aligning with tail and spine. His ears pinned flat to his head. "Don't hurt him too much..." He murmured to his companion. There was about 10 feet remaining between them and Valor, so Dragon would kick himself faster in an attempt to close the distance faster and harder. He aimed a full on frontal assault, seeking to slam the entirety of his chest straight into Valor's chest in an effort to knock him back and knock the air from his cousins body. Should he be successful, then he was sure a large bruise would form, possibly for the both of them, but that wouldn't matter. Simultaneously, he sought to jut his right shoulder forward just before attempted impact and shove it into the left side of Valor's chest as well, further trying to knock him back.

Next, his head would snap towards his (Dragon's) right. He would then aim a bite towards the right side of Valor's neck. He wasn't aiming to tear flesh, no. He was aiming for a solid grip on the side of his cousins neck just below the jaw line, aiming to gain movement of Valor's head and keep him immobile for as long as possible. As he did this, he'd raise his right forepaw, seeking to hook it around Valor's right forepaw and attempt to drag it forward. His main goal was to try and unbalance his cousin. To take him down to the ground without harming him too much. He only hoped that after all of this, he'd be able to explain to his cousins that he held nothing against them, and that he was doing what he thought best for his pack...

Round: 1/2
Height: 39"
Build: Heavy
ooc//Distance agreed on between shrap and I


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.