
poetry in life [Heather]



10 Years
Extra large
09-02-2017, 10:18 PM
ooc. this is really behind I'm super sorry D: if you don't wanna continue this, you don't gotta reply
The woman shook off the formalities as gracefully as she could, which the phantom respected. She offered to head out, possibly to the lands of her new home? The taller femme opted to fall in step with her new queen. She began to fall into a rhythm, and listened to the spotted damsel speak of the rankings of her pack. Lirika listened intently, charcoal toes skimming delicately over the fresh grasses as she did. The pallid dame hummed thoughtfully to herself, tail flicking across her heels.

"I believe Scholar fits the bill quite well, dear. I do not have much wisdom, but what I do know I would enjoy offering to others. Perhaps even yourself." Dulcet tones, thickly accented, fell softly from her lips. Lirika was not much, a good hunter perhaps, but she knew enough about the world to help. Hopefully. The faint scent of a pack reared up, and began to grow stronger. Turns out she hadn't paid enough attention to where she was, for they were quite close.

The ghost could sense the other woman's excitement. It made her a little giddy herself, and she felt like a pup. Tail would wag softly behind her, watching her new queen as they approached. "Truthfully, Heather, I did not leave this place on the best terms. I'm glad to be returning to it on good ones." She said softly. It felt right to entrust the younger femme with this knowledge, of anyone. The only other one who knew this was Svet, but she didn't know if he was even alive.

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