
I could really use a wish so can those airplanes be like shooting stars?



2 Years
Extra large
09-03-2017, 02:38 PM

Rory's nerves calmed only slightly as he took in the ragged form of his friend as tears spilled from her eyes. His ears were stilled trained on the yearlings behind him to stay aware of their movements, but he easily let Jewell press herself against him as she buried herself in his chest fur. Ears flicked backwards in irritation as she explained her rough journey between this Ariet hurting her and something about nightmares. She mentioned another name too, but he couldn't smell another adult on her pelt which was confusing for him. Mostly the sole thing he could focus on was that she was going to be home with them soon so long as they could get her across the water. His attention turned back to the other male yearling as he spat out the word rape, including it with an insult, but at that point in time Rory couldn't formulate any words. Raped. How the hell was he supposed to fix that?

The sound of another approaching had him quickly pulling himself away from Jewell to turn his back to her and face the newcomer with a snarl slowly forming on his face. Now that he had his pack mate practically back in his custody he was reluctant to let anything else happen to her. He was on edge and less than welcoming of anymore strangers joining them. The male's smell quickly reached him and his hackles bristled instinctively as he recognized it to be the one that covered Jewell. It was satisfying to see the other male stand in front of his sibling. He didn't entirely trust the odd pair, but at least they had a common enemy at the moment.

Leshia's words caused him to pause as he stared down the older male and his gaze averted to her only briefly. "Yeah, we're gonna do more than that if I can help it." The yearling hadn't often gotten a chance to be angry about anything in Lirim, but at the time his blood was beyond boiling. He was out for blood now. He would have attacked the brown and white male then and there if a familiar face hadn't caught his attention. His gaze drifted to Frostbite as he came over and immediately started telling them to get Jewell home. He glanced toward his rainbow friend, but he wasn't ready to leave so easily. While he appreciated Frost's help, to him it felt like it was his battle and situation to solve.

"No Frost, I've got this." He insisted with a tone that said he wasn't taking no for an answer. "If I'm lucky I'll bring you back an ear or something Leshia."

With that his ears flattened firmly against his skull and his shoulders rolled forward to bunch the loose skin protectively around his neck. His stance widened to shoulder width apart as his weight rested evenly on all four paws and his claws dug into the ground. His snarl was already bunching the skin around his eyes as he glared at the male who'd hurt Jewell. With that Rory darted forward to try and close the short 7 foot gap (I'm assuming the group is pretty close to each other) between them. He angled himself slightly towards his (Rory's) left and his shoulder aimed right toward's Forsaken's trachea while trying to ram Forsaken backwards with his chest. At the same time Rory's open jaws aimed straight for Forsaken's eyes as his upper right incisor was pointed towards Forsaken's right eyeball in an attempt to pierce it. His bottom jaw aimed to find purchase in the other male's bottom jaw right by where the jawline met the cheek.

Ruaidhri vs Forsaken for FORCE CLAIM
Round 1 of ?
Height - 42"
Build - Light

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]