


07-01-2013, 10:16 PM

She hadn?t been a member of Amenti long, nor had she met her pack-mates. When the summoning howl cut across the lands, the small assassin, lifted her head lazily from the log she had been poking under. Tongue lolled, saliva dripping in cascades from her jaws, as her head tilted taking in the sound. Scrambling from under the fallen log, twigs and dirt clinging to her tawny pelt, she turned moving in a staggering pace towards the call. Giggles escaped her, not to be confused with peels of glee, but rather, a true sign at the insanity that lingered at her mind.

She wasn?t the first to arrive to the call, the second, however and neither wolf were Kaios, the wolf who had brought her here. She took a long look at the wolf who had called, and looked long at the other wolf before letting out a harrumph and shuffling further into the clearing. Two-colored eyes, studied the pair carefully, as she drew close to them, watching them. Niether smelt of Amenti, not that it bothered here one way or the other. Plopping down onto the ground roughly, she looked at the darker of the pair, seemingly the one who called the meeting and spoke.

?Jezzy?s here.? Her words were light, whimsical, and the smile that followed them was lopsided, and distorted. Small but lethal, the insane wolf wasn?t to be underestimated, and though she had no loyalties, she always looked to those in power to provide direction to whatever path she managed to come up with. She was curious, idly, to who this wolf was, and what was going on. Though she held no anger or care as to what really had happened. As long as she could be left alone, unless there was a job for her to do. ?Assassin, Jezebel, at your service.? She practically sang, as her plume dusted the ground around her, before drawing silent to watch what else was to come.
