
All That Remains [Pack Meeting]



2 Years
Extra large
09-03-2017, 05:33 PM
ooc: This round has no time limit and there's no posting order except Lolaf has requested she post Torin first, and I'd prefer Frostbite to post afterwards, but after that it's free game. I do need Breasal, Kairi, and Jaidah to respond with what rank they want. No one else is required to respond if they don't have anything to say.

Frost was the first to arrive and Rory offered him a small smile at the other's words of encouragement. "I hope so. I didn't expect to have to really talk at a pack meeting until I was older." He admitted. Frost's presence at least helped ease some of his worries. He had one member that would back him up and he appreciated the older male's guidance. He was sure he had his father's support as well and surely his siblings wouldn't be too upset?

Jaidah arrived next and Rory tried to keep his face passive. He hadn't meant to worry them, but their mother had left in a bit of a hurry. He could only prolong this meeting for so long. "Mom's fine. I'll explain everything in a bit when everyone gets here." He reassured her. Breasal arrived next and he offered his sibling a soft tail wag as he sat next to Jaidah to offer her some comfort. Breasal seemed less worried so he spared his sibling only a small glance before watching as Leshia and Torin arrived. He nodded towards them both before scanning the area to see who else would show up next. At least his siblings were punctual.

Kairi arrived next and the russet male couldn't stop the smile that stretched across his face. She always knew how to liven his mood up with her energetic attitude. He nuzzled her back before trying to assess the flurry of words she spewed at him. "I missed you too. I can't wait to hear about your adventures." He said with a grin before it faltered slightly when she asked where Faite was. "I'll explain that in a little bit."

His attention flickered to Zell when he arrived and he stared at his father for a moment as he also offered him encouragement. Faite had at least told him where she was going so he wasn't the only one who knew. He nodded silently before watching as Stardust and Rin were the last to filter in. He smiled softly at Stardust - she hadn't been late- before offering the same welcoming smile to Rin. Rin had been mostly quiet as of late with both Fortune and his mother gone and he made a mental note to try and talk with the older male later.

He waited for a few more minutes to see if his aunt and cousin would arrive before deciding he could update them later. He couldn't wait forever and he could tell some of his siblings were anxious. "Alright so I'll just go ahead and address the most pressing matter about why I called you all here." He started off with it figuring it would be best to get the news out of the way before he moved onto other matters. Best not to keep everyone waiting. "I called you all together to inform you that my mother has gone off in search of Jewell, and my two cousins, Kane and Miach. She left me in charge and I'm not sure how long she'll be gone, but she will be back." He wished she'd given him an estimate on when she'd return, but until then he could only tell them that she would. Faite could take after herself after all. "In light of that I've decided to promote Frostbite to Kaliq since he's older and has more experience than I do so he'll be helping me out with the pack." He glanced towards Frostbite to see if the male was still okay with the position he was being offered. He was still welcome to decline it, but Rory felt as though it was the best course of action for the time being. He had no qualms with admitting that he was young and inexperienced and that he needed help.

He didn't pause for too long before continuing on. He wanted to keep the comments and questions to a minimum until he could finish what he had to say. "I also called you all together because my siblings and cousin have been sitting at the same rank for a year now. My cousin isn't here yet, but the rest of you are free to pick a rank that you feel suits you best." He wasn't sure how much training his siblings had done with their mentors, but he could only assume that they had enough to get them started. If they still needed more training then they could figure that out later. "I'd prefer you decide here, but if you need more time you can tell me or Frostbite later." With that he finally fell silent and scanned the small crowd to listen to what others had to say.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]