
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]

Valor I


8 Years

09-03-2017, 10:12 PM

Valor stood completely still and amethyst eyes couldn't settle on one fight to watch. For the most part everyone seemed preoccupied in their own battles. He wasn't too keen on throwing himself in a battle that was already started so he shifted anxiously from where he stood. Already his adrenaline was flaring from just smelling the bloodshed nearby and his blood was boiling at the thought. It wouldn't bring Creed back, nothing could do that, but proving himself in a battle was a good way to start proving that his life was worth living. He wouldn't be useless and he would learn to defend himself. This time he wouldn't be caught off guard by some nice female with pretty words and a fake smile.

What he didn't expect was to see the alpha of Talis charging at him head on with his strange feline companion in tow. It wasn't exactly the fight he'd thought to start off with, but he wasn't given much time to contemplate any other option. Ears flicked back flat against his skull and his tail flagged out parallel to the ground. His shoulders rolled forward to bunch the skin up around his neck. Toes spread out and dug into the ground and his legs spread shoulder width apart before he shifted a couple steps to his (Valor's) left. It wasn't enough to completely avoid Dragon's chest slam, but it was enough to counteract the severity of getting the wind knocked out of him.

Dragon's right shoulder ended up colliding with Valor's right shoulder and his haunches automatically tightened and paws gripped tightly into the earth as it took the shock of the impact. Pain of bone against bone had him gritting his teeth, but he stood his ground. Valor reared slightly on his hind legs and his left front limb sought purchase on Dragon's right shoulder to try and lock in place by his neck in both a grip attempt and so he could use the other male for balance. The other limb dangled, ready to readjust for balance if needed, for the time being due to their positioning, but it successfully avoided Dragon's paw snaking out to try and unbalance him [counter]. His elevated position also meant that Dragon's original bite went lower than intended and the other male's teeth sunk into the fatty fold of the right side of his neck before it met the shoulder. Due to his bunched up skin the wound wasn't deep enough to cause concern, but a growl left him as pain blossomed from the area.

Valor wasted no time and curved his neck towards the right in towards Dragon's head while his head twisted towards Dragon's right ear. His upper jaw aimed for the sensitive insides of Dragon's ear in an attempt to disorient the other male and cause intense pain, while his lower jaw sought purchase where the cheek and the ear met. Meanwhile his tail flagged out towards the left and his left hind leg took on most of his weight to sturdy himself should Dragon decide to try and topple him.

Dragon vs Valor for FREEDOM
Round 1 of 2
Height - 36"
Build - Heavy

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]