
Angel Eyes


07-01-2013, 10:55 PM

His giving chase amused her so, bringing a bubbly laughter to erupt from her porcelain lips as she tore across the meadow, knocking flowers this way and that, cutting a path through the fur like grass. Cherokee was hot on her heels, not giving an inch, close enough for her to know that she wasn't about to get away that quickly. For the moment the fire burning between his thighs was forgotten, his only focus on catching the runaway wife that was charging ahead of him. Memories of their first day together on that beach ran through his mind, bringing an idiotic grin to his dark lips. Who would've thought that the same way they'd met would be the same way the would initiate their love making session.

He could see trying to catch a glimpse of him, squealing with laughter as she realized how close he actually was. She attempted to put some speed into her step and she managed to outrun him for several paces before she came to thundering turn around stop, an excited smile crossing her pale lips. His own booming laughter burst from his larynx, echoing loud against the cliffs as he ran a circle around Song, slowing his pace down to a jog as he made a complete 360 to come around and stop behind her, nipping her haunches, mismatched gaze lustful and loving as he watched his little dove, waiting to see what her reaction would be.

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