
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
09-06-2017, 11:51 PM

YES!!! He screamed in his own head as his teeth cut across the rainbow woman's face! His teeth slashed through his intended target, potentially leaving ugly scars to go with her new lack of sight. He was ecstatic! He could feel himself swelling with pride and a newfound...something. It was like a switch had been flipped inside of him, and the monster that had lied dormant within, was finally coming out. He liked this part of him, he had to admit. Though he'd always been cold, that coldness merely grew stronger when he inflicted pain upon his enemies. And he had succeeded in doing just that to this woman. The woman who had a part in tearing apart his family. Granted, Liar wasn't the strongest old geezer in the world, and he did have a weak mind...(or so Greed thought), so he knew Marina had some part in manipulating his father! Maybe she was the one that drove him from the lands! She had to be at fault! was her fault! So when he got the satisfaction at seeing her fall away from him with a bloodied eye, he knew he had served his own justice.

His elation lasted only a second, however, when he realized there was still the other bitch to deal with. The one who had tried to interfere with his business. She wouldn't get away with it, oh no...she too would pay. Greed would surge forward a good five feet before turning completely around to face Acapella head on. His tail lashed wildly before raising up like a flag, rising to align with his spine and his head lowered to align as well. Chin tucked towards his throat for protection, ears flattened to his skull as his hackles rose along his spine. His eyes narrowed into dangerous slits, blue eyes glittering with cold madness. His teeth bared in a wild snarl, muzzle wrinkling as he bunched his hindquarters in preparation to spring at the woman. His legs uncoiled, the male driving himself forward as he attempted to close the gap between them. His weight shifting to all four limbs, he sought to drive the entirety of his chest into her body, aiming to wind her and bruise her, and if he succeeded, then he knew a bruise would blossom upon his own body but he didn't care. Simultaneously, he would throw the point of his right shoulder forward in an attempt to slam the point of it into Acapella's throat, an attempt to further bruise and wind her, maybe even damage her trachea and make it harder for her to breathe.

The light of battle was lit in his eyes, and he would make those who stepped in his line of sight pay for their folly. Greed's head would snap to his right then, jaws gaping open as he sought to clamp his teeth over the woman's face, fangs seeking to drive themselves into the sockets in her head. He was going to make them pay for harboring an enemy of his, and since this woman decided she wanted to get involved in his fight, then she too would pay the price. He sought a powerful grip, wanting to pluck her eyeballs straight out of her head. Top fangs sought to sink into her left eye socket and bottom fangs sought to dig into the right side. He was vicious, bloodthirsty, and she would know it. As he attempted this, his left forepaw would rise and aim to stomp down upon the toes of her right forepaw with all the force he could muster, seeking to pin her paw in place and restrict her movement and possibly fracture a toe or two. His weight would shift to his other grounded limbs, gravity centered to make it harder for him to be pushed over if she so tried. If she didn't know pain before, she would now.

Greed vs Acapella for MAIM: Complete Blinding
Round: 1/?
Height: 36"
Build: Medium


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