
The Kazema Tribe



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowToys for Tots
09-06-2017, 11:27 AM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2017, 03:42 PM by Shelby.)
Ooc Name: Shelby

Name: Meda Kazema

Age: Four, born in summer

Gender: Female

Alignment: Neutral Good

Design: Link!

Rank: Shaman

Relation: Nyko's apprentice

Appearance: A monochromatic mix of grays and whites, the interesting aspect of Meda's coat doesn't come from the coloring. Darker charcoal and white swirl together all over her body forming waves and curls. These colors form defined swirls on her thighs, sides, over her shoulder blades and along her tail. This same pairing forms two lines under each eye - accenting them and showing off the rich purple hue of her eyes. Her legs are covered in a medium gray while each paw is dipped in the darker gray hue. Meda is decorated with a set of three small, silver hoops along the edge of her right ear, a silver bangle that sits right over the middle joint of her left hind leg, and a thin, leather necklace adorned with two round, silver beads on either side of three purple-hued feathers. She is a moderately tall wolf at thirty-six inches with a healthy, medium build. Her fur is on the shorter side along her body and legs with slightly thicker fur around her neck and tail.

Personality: Meda is incredibly down to earth. She has a hard time viewing anything about herself as important or of any worth. In a way this makes her easily swayed to put herself in harm's way if it means helping someone else. Knowledge and well being of others are two things that are her highest priorities. Meda loves nature and sees the greatest beauty in the elements and creations that come from the earth. The ability to take herbs from plants to heal those close to her or the ability to take hides and feathers and create something beautiful from them is knowledge is holds dear. Meda firmly believes that her gods have blessed her with these abilities and that she was put here to use them to the best of her abilities. Not only that, but she takes the role of being a teacher very seriously. All of these skills she has been blessed with are hers to share and pass on to the next generation.

She has a strong moral compass and a deep devotion to her beliefs that guides her actions. In her mind her instincts are just instructions from the gods and nothing can keep her from following her instincts. Even still, she is too kind hearted and merciful to do anything that might endanger or hurt someone else that doesn't deserve it. She doesn't see her knowledge and skills as a result of hard work. Everything she has and every opportunity she has been given has is because of the gods. She only sees her hard work as a repayment to the gods for those opportunities.

History: Meda's mother was a medical chief among the pack while her father was a smith. Her mother had been close with Nyko's predecessor, coming to him often with questions about healing. She was a devoted and hardworking healer who firmly believed that all of her skills were gifts of the gods. Of her parents her mother was the brains while her father was the heart. As soon as her father found out that his wife was pregnant he began collecting and crafting jewelry for his children as gifts for them. He knew that pups were raised by all in their pack, but he was overjoyed by the idea of having children in this world. By the time they were born he had more jewelry than they could ever possibly wear saved up for them. He had never been the most masterful in his crafts, but he worked tirelessly to make sure everything he had for them was perfect.

Meda was born in a litter of three pups. Her father was so excited that when they had the birthing ceremony that evening he ran around the pack handing out the jewelry and crafts that he had made an abundance of. He saved the most well crafted piece for Nyko and offered it to him, requesting to introduce him to his new family personally. Her father lead the Shaman to see the pups with his chest swollen with pride. It was then that the new parents learned that their daughter would be Nyko's successor. Before Meda went away to train with Nyko, her father gave her the first of her piercings, wanting to give her the best start in this new path she was being taken down.

Much like her mother, Meda picked up on healing techniques quickly even at a young age. Knowlege of herbs and techniques came easily to her and she soaked up information about the gods and their ceremonies like a sponge. While she dutifully trained with the warriors, she found a special joy in learning crafting and smithing. Her father was able to stay close to her in this way and taught her everything he knew, giving her two more piercings and a bracelet in the process.

Her Shaman ceremony came much more quickly than she would have ever anticipated. With Nyko's departure Meda was placed in this important role just before she turned a year old. At the ceremony her father gave her the necklace the now wears daily. Her mother came to her in the evenings in the months to come to help in completing her training in healing. Meda rose to the challenge and settled into her role well. In the winter after her first birthday she was out collecting herbs with the other healers and came across the vervet monkey that would become her lifelong companion.

Shortly before her third birthday, in her prayers to the gods she felt that a change was coming. Early on in her life she had fully given her trust into the gods so when they urged her to seek out the next shaman she did without question. Her prayers and rituals led her to a young woman that was heavily pregnant. The next day the woman gave birth and just like Nyko had done for her and Nyko's predecessor before that - she chose the pack's next shaman. Meda spent the next year carefully training this boy and teaching him everything he needed to know. She never questioned why her time as a shaman had been so short. In her mind she knew there must be a reason and that she would learn of that reason soon enough.

Right before her fourth birthday she was alone, praying to the gods as she often did when Nyko came to mind. It had been years since her former teacher had come across her memories, but something about that thought stuck with her. She had to find him. Certain that she had taught everything she could to her apprentice, Meda left the pack and set out to find her mentor with no idea of what might be in store for her.

Outsider: Nope, born in the pack

Other: She will have a vervet monkey for her companion