
it's true, i crave you


07-13-2013, 06:05 AM
. . .

Champion watched the male come, rather enjoying the sight of his movements. He was tall by any standard but her own, and yet he touched the earth without sound, and with barely any pressure. Only the slightest grains of sand seemed to shift. A true gift. One that any observing fighter would envy. She wondered instinctively if he had prowess to match his grace, or if he was lightness of paw was a sign of gentility only. She could see his eyes roving over her, and not for the sake of gawking humorously at her freakish size. Far from it. Was that... longing in those pink orbs of his? At the very least it was appreciation, and Champion found that she didn't mind being on display this once. It seemed the male found her as enjoyable to look at as she did him, and proof came in the form of purred words. Splendor? Lovely? Champion's gold sculpted ears perked forward. Her pink nose dipped down as she trained upon the male's face, seeking to read it for sincerity. He had taken a step closer, but she didn't mind. Not at all.

"You would be the first to say so," she told him, dryly, but with a hint of a pleasant smirk. Sad but true, in her birth pack, which denied woman a place or training as warriors, she had been looked down upon -figuratively of course- by all the males her age. It shaped her mind early on that she did not need the attention of a male. In the past the only ones to show any inkling of flirtation in her direction were rogues turned Amenti warriors - who thought that crude words and lewd glances would win them the heart of anything that moved. They were idiot children seeking rebellion and attention in any way they could, and as Beta, Champion had wished to the stars that she had been allowed to smack some sense into them, or kick them out for good. But Newt would not have it. She tolerated them, or, rather, they entertained her. Jesters to preform in the Queen's court. This male didn't seem that sort, however. Perhaps he was more suited to run the court than play for it.

It was Champion's turn to look him over. He was shorter than her by a good five inches, almost a whole head, but she didn't mind that - just about everyone was shorter than her. Burgundy eyes glistened as they landed on smooth, supple legs, coral colored features, silken fur, and a tail unlike any other. "You're not so bad yourself, sir ghost." Indeed, he was as deserving of those words of praise as she was. But to her, looks were only half the battle, ability was equally important, and she wondered if she would be graced with a glimpse of that too. All in good time. First to sate her curiosity on another matter: "What brings you to walk the realm of the living?"

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