
Stick Stickly

Marina I


7 Years
09-06-2017, 02:25 PM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2017, 02:25 PM by Marina I.)

That was the best way to describe Marina's mood... a change that had begun growing like a spark that erupted into a mighty flame. Since the raid the female had been brooding. She was trying to spend time with her children... but anger lurked beneath the surface. As each day passed her resentment towards Liar, his kin, and especially the son that maimed her grew stronger. Marina felt sick... sick with emotion. She wanted to tear into something... and not wanting that something to be her children she'd started distancing herself from them little by little. Chasm would surely notice first... and Nova, after getting snapped at, would surely be next. Hate was building up inside the female... hate for all those that wronged her... and frustration that one of her children had managed to get over Celestial's wall and was now missing. Was that a theme of this pack or something? Missing children? She snarled to herself, examining the wall where Argus' scent lay a touch more faded than she would have liked.

Argus was blind. Her daughter made easy prey for whatever predators lay beyond Celestial's lands. And again Marina blamed herself. Every bad decision was coming back to haunt her... and the femme's rage only grew from it. She glared at the wall, knowing it wasn't the fault of the wall, nor her alpha that her child had disobeyed them all and disappeared. Her claws bit into the soil, frustration growing within her gut. Something within her was snapping again... and Marina didn't care what path it lead her on. If she died... so be it. But she knew for one thing she'd be going after Liar's son again. Those damned Talis members had come onto their turf... and then he... She snarled...

It would not be forgiven.

Her tail lashed back and forth as she glanced over her shoulder at the sound of approaching pawsteps. Whoever was approaching her better have a damned good reason to do so right now... she was a bomb about ready to go off.

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]