



6 Years
09-06-2017, 09:41 PM

The evening hours were good hours to explore in even more mild temperatures than those of the day. Maybe she was the only one, but Iskra was getting a little tired of all the boring weather. Of course maybe her standards for boring were a little over the top, since she did tend to prefer it when she was living life feeling absolutely breathless. If she wasn't feeling the adrenaline in her veins she wasn't terribly excited most of the time. Luckily this evening she seemed to have slowed down a hair. No small creatures to harass were in sight, and for once she wasn't even seeking them out. My, wouldn't Artemis be impressed. Of course with Iskra's luck she probably wouldn't see her sister until she was off doin something really dumb again. Artemis was fated to believe that was all Iskra ever did. Oh well. It was pretty close to the truth anyways.

Her newest discovery in the land of Auster she'd finally gotten around to exploring was this fabulous place, surrounded by an encroaching treeline. It was peaceful here though, with long grass that went on forever, broken up by random clusters of herbs of all kinds. It would be a healers paradise, too bad she didn't have the patience for that sort of work for more reasons than one. At first Iskra had intended to take a quick glance around and then be on her way to go find a place to curl up for the night. That changed when she saw something small, blue, and... glowing? What? Like moth to flame she was drawn in thoughtlessly, moving automatically.

Iskra was no stranger to odd colors, markings, features the average wolf might call a little different or even those that were straight up outlandish. Her whole family wasn't exactly average appearance-wise. But the glowing thing? That was new territory. Just when she thought she couldn't be surprised, life throws a curve-ball her way. Walking up a little less than quietly so as not to startle the tiny blue child, Iskra cooed, "Hello there, little wonder. Smiling gently, the starry woman took a seat a respectful distance away, head canted a pinch to the side.