
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
09-07-2017, 04:19 AM

Valor had moved, but not enough to get him completely out of harms way. Dragon collided with his cousin, not as hard nor as much as he had tried to do in the first place, but enough that the both of them would most likely gain a moderate bruise from the collision. His right shoulder had jabbed Valor's own right shoulder, another bruise potentially blossoming there as well, though a moderate one. Like Valor, Dragon would grit his teeth, though the pain wasn't much thanks to the adrenaline that was already coursing through him. His attempt at hooking Valor's right forepaw was unsuccessful when Valor rose up, thus causing Dragon to quickly place his paw back on the ground. His defenses remained in check; Hackles remained bristled, ears pinned to his skull, tail flagged out like a rudder for balance, toes splayed, claws biting the earth for traction, eyes narrowed.

He didn't want to harm his cousin anymore than he had to, the feeling of guilt and betrayal against his own blood washed over him, but he also knew that he wasn't doing this to intentionally hurt them after having lost their father, who was also his cousin. He knew his mother loved Creed, as far as he knew, he was the only family she had left asides from her siblings. It was one reason she was hesitant on coming along, but whether that decision would remain was beyond him. His mother had been unpredictable as of late with everything going on in their own family, so it was hard to tell if she'd remain with the healers, or if she'd come charging in like a raging bull. It was then he'd cast a quick glance on his immediate surroundings, though so far, his mother was nowhere to be seen...unless she was somewhere behind him, but he wasn't about to turn around and look. Kimahri, however, had slipped past his field of vision and was circling to his left side, tail lashing as he was calculating the perfect moment to leap into the fray. For now, he'd hold off just a few moments longer...

He felt Valor's left foreleg nearly drape across his right shoulder, the smaller male's paw nearly gripping his scruff. Narrowed eyes flashed to Valor's own, a mix of emotions in his own eyes. It was no more than a brief moment, however, as his teeth sunk into the right side of Valor's neck, though it was the fatty part which secretly, he was glad. It meant he probably wasn't hurting his cousin too much. But either way, he'd release his bite and raise his head again, jaws gaping open for protection just in case. As Valor's jaws came flying at his right ear, Dragon would take the moment to immediately pull his head back and up, away from Valor's teeth. However, he wouldn't escape completely unscathed. Valor would manage to catch him on his lower right cheek just below the eye, tearing away fur and moderately lacerating the skin but not enough to keep a hold.

In this moment, Dragon took the opportunity to quickly make his own move. He'd coil his hinds legs slightly, falling back on his haunches for no more than a second before springing forward and up as he then raised both of his own front legs. His hind legs would spread evenly apart, tail flagging and hind toes splayed and claws biting the earth for traction with weight distributed evenly upon them as he aimed to bring his left foreleg around the right side of Valor's neck in a sort of one sided hug, and then aimed to bring his right foreleg beneath Valor's left foreleg in an attempt to hold it in place and to try and keep Valor from being able to get it back down, thus attempting to restrict his cousins movement via leg lock. He sought to hook the claws on his right forepaw into Valor's thick fur on the left side of his cousins neck, as well as trying to push with his left leg/elbow in a further attempt to push/drag Valor towards his (dragon's) right and onto the ground.

Simultaneously, Dragon's head tilted to his right, jaws would aim towards the top of Valor's muzzle, the earthen male seeking to get a grip over his cousin to further try and hold him down. Top jaw sought to wrap over the top of Valor's muzzle, and bottom jaws sought to wrap beneath his cousin's jaw in an attempt to clamp his mouth shut all while trying to topple him over and bring him to the ground. Meanwhile, Kimahri would at last make his move. The feline would charge towards the pair, going in for a full assault. The jaguar's chest sought to slam straight into the right side of Valor's ribs, seeking to drive the wind from him and to also use the momentum to aid the alpha in bringing their opponent to the ground. Had it been anyone else, he would have opted to use claws and fangs, but since Dragon had told him to not hurt him too much, this in Kimahri's head, was the next best option.

Dragon vs Valor for: FORCE CLAIM
Round: 2/2
Height: 39"
Build: Heavy


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.