
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]

Valor I


8 Years

09-08-2017, 12:58 AM

Valor was beginning to doubt himself. In what instance could he beat an alpha who was not only older, but most likely had more experience with this than he had? Valor wouldn't have been so nervous about the fight if he hadn't been attacked by Dragon himself. The fact he was also family was off putting now that he thought about it. In fact this whole fight seemed stupid. Why was family attacking his family? It wasn't as though giving up was an option either, so no matter the odds, he was going to do his best to help drive out the invaders.

The white and black marked male's eyes caught Dragon's own gaze and he could practically see the reluctance that the brown alpha had towards fighting him. While a tiny part of him deep, deep, down was glad that Dragon didn't want to hurt him, a large part of him was angry. Dragon was the one who had attacked him and yet it was almost as though the other male wasn't taking it seriously - like he was holding back or something. A growl escaped him - as inexperienced as Valor was, he wasn't useless and he wasn't a child anymore. He could fight too and he'd prove it.

His left paw found purchase on Dragon's shoulder, and yet he didn't quite accomplish the grip he'd wanted. Regardless, Valor found stability for a brief moment as he used Dragon's body to help keep himself upright while the toes of his hind paws splayed and dug into the ground for traction. His hind legs extended slightly past hip width for balance and his muscles were taut. His ears were still pinned flat against his skull while the skin on his muzzle wrinkled into a snarl and bunched up around his eyes to offer some protection. His tail was still flagged out, parallel with the earth, and was ready to move at a moment's notice should he need to shift his weight or go back down on the ground completely. His right leg still felt quite useless as he let it dangle, but he couldn't find a place to put it, so instead he kept it dangling towards the earth in hopes that it'd help him later should he either find a use for it or if he needed to get back to the ground quickly.

Unfortunately for him, Dragon managed to avoid his bite to the ear after letting go of Valor's scruff, and instead Valor's teeth grated against Dragon's right cheek beneath his eyes, tearing away fur and skin, before closing shut with an audible click. Dammit! And yet now the underside of Dragon's neck was exposed. Valor wasted no time and his jaws opened once more as he aimed to put as much force behind his bite that he could muster. His attack was aimed towards the underside of Dragon's throat on the right side beneath the cheek bone and the underside of Dragon's jaw. His top jaw sought purchase up close toward's dragon's cheek, while the bottom jaw aimed to wreak havoc on the underside of the right side of the other male's neck. Typically Valor would have felt bad about going for such a crippling blow, but he was hoping that, in by doing so, he could try and injure the male enough to knock him out of the fight so the Talis wolves could all go home.

What he wasn't expecting was a mixture of things. He wasn't prepared when Dragon rose up on his own hind legs and extended his own left foreleg to grip the right side of his neck in a hug. Due to his positioning, Valor couldn't get away from the grip and instead helplessly let the other male's left leg wrap around his neck. What was he supposed to do now that Dragon was in practically the same position he was in?

That wasn't Dragon's only movements though and Dragon's right leg locked underneath Valor's left leg keeping him from being able to place it back on the ground. Valor was beginning to realize his mistake now with Dragon being larger than himself. He could feel Dragon's left leg/elbow digging into him as the male tightened his grip and Valor was at a loss of how to rectify the situation. Before he knew it Dragon was also trying to shove him towards the left (Valor's left).

Valor leaned in to the right and put most of his weight on his right hind leg in an attempt to keep his balance. His tail shifted towards the right at an angle as well to try and make up for the slightly larger male shoving him. Too late for him to notice that simultaneously that Dragon had made yet another move. He felt Dragon's top teeth bite harshly into the top of his muzzle, and yet it was Dragon's bottom teeth that hurt more as the male's bottom jaw bit deeply into the sensitive flesh of his under-jaw. A small whimper of pain escaped him and he was beginning to feel less and less confident about finding a suitable way out of this tough situation. He hadn't exactly had an abundance of training in battle tactics. In fact he hadn't really had any at all - no one had ever told him what to do in certain instances like this one and so far he'd been lucky enough to go off of the first thing that came to his brain.

Well he couldn't just do nothing, that wasn't an option. His left leg couldn't move down, so instead he tried to shove his weight forward some in an attempt to further wrap his front left leg so it could hook tightly around the right side of Dragon's neck. His paw aimed to tightly grip the back of the other male's neck and lock around the natural curves of Dragon's shoulder. His right limb came upwards in an attempt to try the same maneuver Dragon had made as he tried to lock his right front limb underneath Dragon's left leg using the front of his (Valor's) leg to try and lock Dragon's leg between the front of his shoulder/chest and his (Valor's) limb in a tight grip.

His next move would have been figuring out how to get his muzzle free from Dragon's bite, as the wounds were rather deep and hurt almost as much as his neck wound from Vianni had, but he'd completely forgotten about the companion that had been following the Talis male. Seemingly out of nowhere, the cat rushed towards his right side and Valor didn't notice until the feline's chest slammed into the right side of Valor's rib cage. He felt his breath forcibly removed from his lungs and he felt his balance give way. Seeing that he was going to the ground now with two large creatures toppling him, Valor threw himself to the left hoping that the extra momentum would be enough to at least drag the brown colored male with him. If he was going to the ground then so was he!

Dragon vs Valor for FREEDOM
Round 2 of 2
Height - 36"
Build - Heavy

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]