
The Strength to Carry On



07-02-2013, 12:55 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Nervousness plagued the healer's mind, but duty stayed her on her course. Slow careful breaths moved in and out of her muzzle, a conscious effort to keep herself calm before she arrived where she was needed. She had heard, as others had, of the impending challenge, of the threat to the Glaciem's way of life that Gargoyle intended to defend, and though the thought of losing her home, or watching it be turned into something that it wasn't, was worrisome enough she was even more frightened by the condition her leader might return to them in. He was strong, dependable, but he was still mortal. He could still bleed. And that was a scary thought. How much? Could she fix it? Even after learning what she had under Asheni, even after training under Soleil, she still doubted her own skill from time to time, especially when it was important to her to do well. I can do this. I know what I'm doing. The thoughts were made with as much conviction as she could muster, and with her measured breaths she continued to move through the snow.

She had ransacked her growing herb stores before she set off, the yellow-orange calendula plant suspended within her jaws. Poppies were easy enough to find in a pinch, but she needed something to kick start Gargoyle's recovery and figured this little plant might do for now. Her travels brought her close to the Glaciem's border, and there she caught the scent of Gargoyle's mate, Ocena. She hesitated, debating, before she set off to follow it, hoping that it might lead her to where she wanted to go.

Sure enough, it did. As it led her to a cave system, Mercianne nearly dropped her carried plant into the snow and halted before she could get too close to the cave. This had to be the right place. The scents went here, into the cave. But sitting before it, reminding the nervous white wolf of a sentry, sat an imposing bear, looking for the world like she meant to be there. Merci's eyes traveled anxiously from the bear to the cave, and slowly she set down the plant she had been carrying. Ears tucked, dark brown eyes somewhat averted, she addressed the bear and asked, "Are they in there? The Glaciem wolves?" Her question tumbled from her muzzle anxiously, never having dreamed that she might hold a conversation with a bear like this. It was certainly a first for her, and for all appearances the bear seemed peaceable enough. Hoping desperately that she might be friend, Merci shifted her weight where she stood and cautiously picked up her plants, wondering if they might help signify her intent in being here.