
We're all see-through just like glass... and we can shatter just as fast...


09-09-2017, 09:10 PM
The afternoon was mild and pleasant, though Felicien found himself further from the Orchard that day than he meant to be. He was moving across Mount Vulkan, well, the base of it anyway. After his spar with Mara he found himself feeling a bit more content about things. Leaving the world to Mara, Ruthger, and their little ones didn’t seem like a bad prospect… but there were still a couple of things nagging at the older French man. The downfall of their pack was one of those things still… the pack he had trained Mara in. It seemed as though he, Mara, and Cereberus were the only survivors… and for him it was simply because he left, wasn’t it? Felicien didn’t fancy himself a weak wolf… but he was concerned. What the hell had happened?

The brute paused… perhaps he’d never know the truth… at least if he stayed here he wouldn’t. After a few moments of debating the monochrome colored creature decided this was okay. There were other things in life to consider. He had to admit he was a bit envious of the fact Mara and Ruthger had children. Undoubtedly, somewhere, he likely had sons or daughters too… possibly a mix of them from the women he’d lain with in his youth. But something about seeing them at this age tugged at him. But eh, what were the chances of an old wolf like him having one last litter anyway?

Felicien came to a stop near a tree and paused, flicking his ears forward. Since when did he start thinking of himself as old anyway? Sure he was nine, but he wasn’t blind or deaf… didn’t have any problems moving around. Felicien smiled… so he was older, not old. He still had some life to live. A twitch of his ears alerted him to a nearby presence, pawsteps moving steadily along through the grass. Who they belonged to, however, well, that was another story.