
We Will Meet Again


07-02-2013, 01:57 AM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:16 AM by Gael.)

She denied his accusation as she leaped out of his grasp, dancing several paces away. Forelimbs struck empty air, landing with a muted thud back on the dirt. Of course she was going to escape his clutches. He had done that on purpose. He could of have her pinned if he really wanted to, but what was the fun in that? He didn't want to stop playing with her. It was something he enjoyed, even if it made him feel like a big idiot throwing his weight around like this, but as long as it kept that pretty smile of hers on her beautiful face, then he would throw his weight around like idiot all day if that's what it took.

You keep telling yourself that. He teased, a bout of laughter erupting from his earthen colored lips as the smaller woman barreled into him, wrapping her forelegs around his shoulders as she pulled him to the ground with her, the two rolling across the dirt in a ball of flying fur and flailing limbs until they came to a stop, Gael pressed against the earth, Meili standing triumphantly on top. An idiotic grin took of his lips as he nipped at her nose, watching as she rolled off of him onto her back, giving him the opportunity to stand, bracing his larger mass over hers, essentially pining her down. Silver crown was lowered, cerulean gems flickering to Meili's teal ones, the laughter in his chest dying down, a look of utter awe filling his eyes as he gazed down tenderly towards Meili, feeling like time had frozen for a few moments. He could stay like this forever if it was possible. Just staring into her beautiful eyes, the two of them together.

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