
Enter The Realm


09-10-2017, 02:50 AM
It had been quite a long time of searching, but at last she felt like she was picking up on their trails. Kas had wandered off from the others a while back, wanting to go off and play her tricks on unsuspecting mortals. She, however, had spent a little too much time playing and hadn't realized how far back she had fallen from the others. Oh well. At least she had her share of fun while trying to track them down again, and so she didn't really regret it too much. She was starting to get annoyed by all the mortals thinking they could get at her, but she quickly put them in their places. Oh how she adored playing with her poison toys! Not only that, but the many traps and snares she had learned to build with the helpful insight of a few loners she had managed to befriend just to use them for the sole purpose of taking what they knew. And then of course, leaving them high and dry! Oh how she had fun though...of course, she'd never admit she sometimes enjoyed their company. Man, these mortal clowns are rubbing off on me...I gotta find Amon on the others, and fast!