
Step Lightly


07-02-2013, 04:49 AM
ooc// Now that its spring, do we play on that and say like the morning began to feel slightly warmer or they wake up to snow melting?

The battered grey man did not need to be asked twice. He slowly and achingly approached the water, hesitant to enter into its icy clutches. He had felt comforted the entire time he had been traveling with the ivory damsel. His sea green gaze resting on her now submerged form. Somehow, in the matter of a night, they created and forged a sort of bond that only the two of them could understand. They both only had one other person in their lives, and that was their siblings. He his sister, and she her brother. It seemed one could not be without the other, but somehow they managed without their twins. But tonight, they had managed to go from hostile enemies, to allies in combat against a fearsome animal. Shivering, he touched the waters surface with a toe. Wincing at the sudden cold of it. But, if she had done it, then surely he could too? He didn't want to seem like a sissy after all. Not after they had just fought something much fiercer the cold water! The thought, however, amused him. HA! Me!? Afraid of water after what we just went through...I'm gonna have to man up and deal with it.

Pulling from his thoughts, he took in a deep breath. His body entirely sore from the cold air seeping into his bones. It seemed that Yin looked like she was enjoying the waters cool touch on her body. So surely it wouldn't be too bad...bracing himself, he stepped into the water. Walking in a few steps till the icy chill rose to the halfway point of his legs just below his belly, he froze. The water was VERY cold! His breath came in ragged gasps, icy puffs of air emerging from his nose and mouth. Teeth began to chatter and his body began to shiver. Oh why did he have to do this!? Too bad there wasn't any other way...he didn't exactly have any other choice. That thing claws had scored hard and deep into his flesh. Gulping, he forced himself to go deeper into the shadowed pool. Stars sparkling reflections upon its surface. The only thing breaking the appearance of being in the sky, were the ripples created by the pair as well as a falling leaf here and there.

Releasing another gasp of air as the chill swept up his chest, he sidled over towards Yin. The waters chilling effects began to take their hold on his body, numbing him. He closed his eyes in relief as the water cooled his burning and throbbing wounds. He remained there for a few minutes, then carefully and slowly dipped his muzzle into the pool. The water worked its way into his dirty festering nose wound, immediately providing relief. He hoped it wasn't as bad as it smelled, but then again what did he know about this kind of stuff? He lifted his head and looked at the moonlit girl, "I'm feeling much better...we should get out and rest soon. We still have to find medical help as soon as we can. How're you feeling?"

Speech, Thought, Actions, You