
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



8 Years
09-12-2017, 09:58 PM

He would get his legs around her just as she tried to bite him, forcing her own attack to land in the fatty part of his leg. This was no good and she quickly released her grip. He was trying to get height advantage and she had the feeling he was looking to aim for her face again. She wouldn't let this happen. Snarling she bared her fangs, peeling her skin back to protect her eyes and face. Rocking back onto her own back legs she raised up with him just as he attempted to smother her. Her idea for this move would help her to not let him get advantage. She was not about to let this male overpower her. As she raised up she lashed out with her front paws, looking to gain a grip and put her paws onto his chest. If unable to do this she would at least to hopefully get some scratches into his chest. She quickly made sure her weight was distributed properly on her back legs, her eyes.

Eyes caught the movement of his face and she quickly tilted her face towards the left then backward to try and keep away from his bite. They were at vary close proximity now and she saw her opportunity. He was slightly larger then her and since his legs were around her shoulders there wouldn't be a way to assault the upper part of his face, but she would settle for the lower part. She then opened her jaws snarling again before moving her face forward and tilting her jaws upward slightly, looking to grab a hold of flesh and fur on the lower part of the right side of his face, while pushing her upper half of her body forward into his chest attempting to throw more weight into him she also moved her left hind leg forward to give herself more force and more momentum. She wanted to knock him off balance, push him backward onto his back. Hopefully in doing this he would let his legs go and she could free herself from his bear hug, if not she was prepared to land on top of him. She also attempted to try and hook her left hind leg around his right hind leg to attempt to further throw him off balance. Him pinching his elbow into the left side of her neck made her eye twitch, but she refused to let him push her towards the right. Being that she was already throwing her weight into him and her weight was off her left hind leg she allowed her body to relax slightly towards the left so that he couldn't push her towards her right (putting more of her weight towards her left to counter his push to her right).

Hopefully she could knock him to the ground, keep him from getting to her eyes and win this fight. She had to, she had to avenge what the male had done to Marina and she refused to buckle.

Acapella vs. Greed for MAIM Severing of tendons in Greed's left front leg.
Round: 2 of 2
Height: 35 inches
Build: Medium