
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



12 Years
Extra large
09-13-2017, 03:25 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

There was a mild sense of satisfaction as his canines carved into Valdis’ cheek, even as his two pronged ramming of chest and shoulder failed to meet their marks, and his right front paw returned to the earth, weight shifting back to all four legs as she lunged in at his left flank.

Regulus calculated swiftly, allowing her to dive under, but seeking to hop a half stride forward, tail flicking down to shield his more sensitive parts as he felt a rather discomfiting burst of hot breath in his area. A thought occurred, and in a snapping, bizarre turn of decision, he decided to see just how dirty the Talisian female liked things.

Her teeth tangled in the fluffy hair of his tail, the front teeth snapping shut on the bone, causing a wince that helped his own unorthodox attack along as he released control of his bladder and sent a stream of urine toward what he hoped was her face and eyes. And if he was really lucky, her mouth.

He’d never had the misfortune of getting urine in his eyes, but he hoped to blind her temporarily with it, and that it would burn and cause a monumental amount of discomfort… Not to mention the high-level gross-out factor.

His hop forward had displaced her jaws, but sent him barging right into her shoulders’ attacks. He felt the shift of her weight beneath him and dropped his rear down hard with all his weight behind it, hoping to squash Valdis’ head to the ground with his weight and bigger butt, and the bending of his hocks saved him the straining they might have gotten had he still been bearing weight, leaving him with a moderate bruise on the front of his left hind hock.

However, her left shoulder caught him squarely in the gut, several inches further down than her intended location, but still squarely, and it was indeed uncomfortable. In more ways than just the severe bruise that flowered there. It jarred his intestines, rattling the pipes, and the contents of his innards did not approve of the rough treatment.

He felt the unhappy bubbling even as the grunt left his jaws, and made another one of those snap decisions, bearing down on his gut. May as well let some pressure go. Turned out eggs eaten earlier in the day made a lot more gas than was comfortable in a fight. Since she’d caught his tail in her teeth instead of his more important bits, he hoped that the angle of his tail would help to funnel the foul-smelling wind attack straight to her nostrils.

It wouldn’t give her lacerations, but perhaps the fart would override her nose and distract her severely as he sought to angle his head sharply to his left and his parted jaws downward at her rump, just at the base of her tail. He sought to sink his upper canines into the flesh at the left side of her spine, and his lower canines into the flesh of the right side of her spine, hoping to gain a savage grip to use in short order, and at the very least to leave severe lacerations behind for her to think about.

His hackles remained raised, bristling down his spine from the base of his skull, to the base of his tail, and his eyes remained narrowed to protective slits, ears flat to his skull and nestled into his fur. He wasn’t going to let himself think too much about the craziness about his decisions in this particular fight, but he has a feeling that later, when he had time to reflect upon this one… he’d either start laughing himself to helpless tears… or start questioning his sanity.

Fight Stats

Regulus Adravendi vs Valdis for Maim (Blinding of Left eye and Severe Facial scarring... ((and possibly severe mental scarring.)))
Round Two of Three

Height: 42"

Build: Heavy

Extra Notes:  My crazy side won out. xD I'm sorry Valdis!

[Image: T8yHvja.png]