
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-14-2017, 08:24 PM

Valdís was so close, her fangs just about to seize her target when Regulus hopped forward displacing her attack as his tail flipped up between his legs.  As such her fangs latched onto Regulus' tail about a half foot from the base.  Powerful jaws that were meant to rip flesh from flesh dug into the meat of the alpha's delicate tail leaving severe punctures and, to Valdis' immense satisfaction, the sound of cracking bone.  The pain was enough to cause the other to start urinating and Valdís wrinkled her nose at the stench.  She hadn't thought the old man to be that incontinent already but thankfully she was out of the way of the smelly assault.  By hopping forward to displace her jaws from his sheath his penis was past her, that in conjunction with the sharp angle she'd originally attacked him at meant she didn't need to worry about getting sprayed.  However, with his tail tucking the urine could soak into his fur and probably make its way back to her.  Major ew!  She swiftly released his tail and scrunched her neck back, it wasn't the target that she wanted anyway, though after that display she decided to pass on shredding his genitals. There were other ways she could hurt this old fool.  His tactics stank of either weakness or desperation and she didn't care which.  

Her shoulder attacks had been more or less successful.  Her right shoulder missed Regulus left knee when he crouched down but it did strike satisfyingly on his left thigh just above the knee.  As he dropped he brought his gut right onto the point of her left shoulder.  She swiftly planted her left forepaw, her shoulders rolling forward. Widening her stance slightly she spread her weight evenly among all four limbs, her toes spread and claws digging into the earth before she took several steps back, slipping out from underneath him.  Pain shook down her left foreleg from the bruising she'd taken in her fight with Castiel.  She needed to finish this quickly, she was almost spent.  

Valdís lowered her whole body sharply, her limbs coiling as she twisted her neck to her right and dove her head down as her jaws opened wide.  She attempted to seize Regulus' left hind leg just below the hock.  Her upper fangs sought the flesh on the inside of the limb while her lower fangs sought to rest on the outside.  She wanted to seize the limb between her jaws in a brutal bite with the goal of fracturing the metatarsal bones.  Simultaneously, her weight shifted to her right foreleg and hind legs she sought both to relieve the weight of her body on her left foreleg but to also put it to work.  Reaching forward she attempted to wrap her left forepaw behind Regulus left hock in an effort to pull it forward into her gaping jaws.

Her stepping backward had displaced Regulus jaw attack but she still paid the price for it.  His jaws landed about a foot higher up her back than he'd originally planned.  His upper fangs to the left of her spine, his lower fangs to the right but he would fail to get a grip for she was already crouching down sharply.  Instead his fangs would leave moderate lacerations in her flesh.  

The fart had gone mostly unnoticed.  When she'd released his tail and stepped back she'd missed the brunt of it though now that it had started to filter through the air she could smell it.  She didn't fuss over it though.  She was a wolf!  She'd sniffed butts before, he had nothing that would phase her, especially not when she was trying to make a name for herself.  Valdís kept her hackles raised and her ears pinned tight to her head, eyes narrowed.  She felt she had some measure of this man and his pack.  A band of the weak and desperate lead by a spoiled little golden child who never had to crawl out of the muck like she had.  If anything the bodily excretions meant nothing more to her than a weakening body.  The alpha's body would fail him.  She would pick him apart piece by piece until he was laying in the muck and his own blood and urine and stink.  Then perhaps he could pull himself out of it and prove he really was worthy of the title 'alpha' because right now she didn't see how anyone could follow him.  Valdis was going to bring him crashing into the earth, face down in his flaws.  What happened then would be up to him.

Valdís vs Regulus for Maim [severing of achilles tendon in right hind leg]
Rd. 3/3
Height: 37"
Build:  Medium

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