
From whence you came [kait, baldwin, clay welcome]]

Clay I


5 Years
Dire wolf
09-17-2017, 02:40 PM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2017, 02:41 PM by Clay I.)

He was doing what he did best, patrolling and providing for Kait and Baldwin. After a decent hunt he had headed back to the territory they were currently staying in. The spring fawn dangling from his jaws. When he hit the border he turned sharply to the left and began his quick patrol before he would head back to Kait. He was still concerned about the demon king, but he had to let Kait and Baldwin get strong enough for travel. Every time he had left to hunt he feared coming back to find her in pieces, ripped apart by the Queen because she had found her. Though they had been fairly lucky so far, he just wondered how far their luck would stretch.

An odd scent drifted among the breeze making the large male stop in his tracks and lift his head. The smell of another unfamiliar wolf within the territory made him on edge and he knew he needed to check it out. The scent was mixed with that of the king's, the one he used to smell upon Kait's pelt, but this one also had it's own unique scent. Huffing lightly the large male fallowed the wind until the large pup came into view. He wondered if this was one of Kait's children with the male, though he never met the male so he had no idea what he looked like.

He wouldn't be be defensive, in fact he would be his normal self despite fearing that behind her, her parents would be to come for Kait. He hoped Kait was safe in the den, because if they had come for her he would fight them for her. He approached, closing the distance between himself and the large pup. He stopped not far, giving personal space to the child, unsure of what personality she would have. Placing his kill on the ground he looked to the child with a light smile.

"Hello there" he greeted.

"Speech" & 'Think'