
Glaciem Meeting


07-02-2013, 09:04 AM
OOC: just a warning for some mild language, though I suspect its going to be the norm in this post.

Hearing the sound of the challenges call made midnights heart sink this was it the proof the mater the call that could only come from an alpha came from this stranger. She moved without joy following the sound to where the pack was assembling her tail hung low but a fire burned in her eyes. She did not know what to do, she had thought she had no loyalty to the pack that her life was tied to gargoyles alone but now... she did not speak as she entered the clearing and did not meet the challengers... the alphas eyes. It was strange entering a meeting and not seeing the massive frame of gargoyle but she did not pause as she crossed the open ground and went to sit just in front of the pups she could see cross sitting amongst them, the pup who would have been king, it would not be so now, she shielded them with her own body if a fight broke out and she suspected it may she would be damned if she would let the pups be hurt, after all they where not just a pack they where a family, and this upstart had broken the family. She would let her body break before she would let tooth or claw mark the pups, after all they where innocent parties in this.

She nodded to the white brown lasses words, she had not spoken to the dame but it seemed they thought very much the same, this wolf spoke sense and she marked her down in her mind as an a possible future ally. It was true that the dame who stood before them pride in her eyes and scars on her back had made herself no allies in this fight and she smiled a slightly evil smile at the thought of what would have happened had roles reversed, she had seen gargoyle fight a bear, she knew he was capable of killing. Midnight knew her position in this pack would be decided by what the usurper said next either she would stay with the pack protect the weak and simply work around the bitch or if she would start a rebellion, she was not a strong fighter but if she needed to stand up she would.

She shifted as Awaken entered even from where she sat poised she could smell the poison on his coat and feared that this may be the spark. His words where passionate and for a moment she felt the pull to follow, watching him leave with a sense of sorrow in her heart, perhaps she would follow him in the end rejoin her chief once things had settled down, for now she sat watching him fade into the forest growth.