
Sparkles in the Night



7 Years

09-18-2017, 08:30 PM
Slowly, as his expression morphed, so did hers - into amused confusion. He was the one who asked the question; why does he look so surprised and confused? And conflicted? Was that conflicted? He looked at a loss for words, but said he wanted to say something - oh, there it was! And this time, the amusement from her confusion faded into true curiosity. she had no idea what that italian meant. It didn't seem harsh at all for sure, especially with the tone of voice he said it... nothing like the last time he spoke italian to her, several years ago, when he told her to fuck off.

That curiosity still remained, even though a tender, soft smile appeared at the gesture of affection, one that she immediately directed his way. Said smile dropped - and not in a bad way - when he spoke again, explaining his words.

... Oh was that her heartbeat that she could hear pounding in her ears? What was that pressure building up in her chest? Oh - right. Breathing. She expelled the breath she was holding. And then - her whiskers twitched, and then, a grin broke out along with a small, overly-happy sounding laugh. Not one bit of what he just said was even a little bit eloquent or articulate, but that, in a nutshell, was absolutely Lark and she couldn't at all be surprised.

She grinned, keeping it cheerful - although, of course, something in her was still pounding away at her chest. She scooted forward a bit, just enough to snuggle her face into his fur. "Well, good, because I love you too." Okay, maybe she wasn't so eloquent either, especially when the words come muffled through fur. But hey - it works, right?
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.