
Lirika x Samael


09-19-2017, 11:35 AM (This post was last modified: 11-10-2017, 12:27 AM by Dragon.)

OOC Name: Dragon
Character Name: Elvira
AGAB: Female
Gender: Female
Appearance: Sporting a silky creme base coat, Elvira is as beautiful as they come. She's not entirely colorful nor as outstanding as others in the lands, but she considers herself rather pretty. A smoky gray mars her coat, swathing her form from the just beneath her lower jaw all across the bottom half of her body and seemingly having the appearance of smoke swirling across her form. Her tail and ears are dipped in inky black, the dark color also leaving it's mark in an off V shape across her back. Finally, she wears a dark mask upon her head, taking after her sire in this aspect.

Deep amber orbs peer out beneath her hood, eyeing the world with intensity. Her gaze seems to hold fire within, the girl unafraid of anything that comes her way. Her form is graceful, long limbs suited for navigating the world around her and chasing down her quarry. Like a long haired cat, the woman's tail is extra fluffy with the longer than usual fur trailing down her hindquarters and the back of her legs, elbows, and creating a mane like effect around down her neck. Her fur isn't unusually long to where it cascades, just much thicker than the average wolf. So much so that she even has fur poking through her toes, further cushioning her steps for when she is sneaking up on her prey.

She stands at an average of 36", smaller than most in her line but it doesn't bother her in the slightest. In fact, she feels quite comfortable where she's at. She has all the feminine curves and is thankful she doesn't appear intimidating like she might have appeared if she towered over everyone she met. The woman has a smooth and gentle voice, though that can change real fast if she is angered. Even then, it's almost impossible to tell when she's angry for her voice will simply be nothing more than an icy calm. Continue to push the wrong buttons, however, and the rage will show in both voice and action.

She is power, she is grace. She will knock you on your face
Elvira is generally a gentle soul, preferring to keep herself out of conflict with others. She's naturally curious of the world around her which makes her curious of the creatures that she shares the world with as well. She likes to talk, but she isn't obnoxious with it. She may ask a lot of questions, or even try to make small talk with those she meets, if only to glean some information about them. She is aware there are many different personalities out there, and she wants to see them all! Charismatic to a fault, Elvira has an attraction towards others. She's a social creature, unwilling to stay alone for any length of time. She's always on the move looking for conversation or some sort of companion, and if she is desperate enough, might even resort to sleeping around. That certain part of her behavior will stop, however, when she finds romantic interest.

By fault, she is also a woman who wears her heart on her sleeve. She falls hard and falls fast, though not with everyone she meets. She's a simple woman, not really one to care about looks, but rather she cares more about personality. She might possibly be the odd one out in her family when it comes to things like this, but she doesn't care. She'd rather love someone for who they are than how much muscle they have. Despite her hopeless romanticism, she's extremely flirtatious. She will tease and heckle others whether or not her advances are welcome. She revels in attention, and often craves it which brings her to get it wherever and from whoever she possibly can.

[will add more if I get her]
Roleplay Sample:
Her first winter, the girl bounced outside into the snow. It was cold, very, very cold, but she was awed by the substance falling from the sky. Molten gaze looked up, wide eyed and with amazement. Her mind began to race with thoughts about it, wondering where it came from, how long winter lasted, were clouds always full of snow? Tail wagging, Elvira bounded further from the den, giggling and laughing with mirth. Her siblings were huddled in the mouth of the den, watching as she went further and further. Until she had the misfortune of jumping the wrong way and landing in a deeper, softer snow bank. The girl disappeared into the snow for a moment, and though she was too small to jump out the way she came, she decided to dig through it. She laughed as she sent snow spraying up in a flurry behind her, and when she dug herself out, she proceeded to try and catch all the snowflakes she could! "C'mon guys! This is fun!" At her call, her siblings came running out to join her, the group laughing and playing and simply having fun. She was an innocent creature simply enjoying the simple things in life.