
How do you stay so strong?


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
09-19-2017, 11:48 PM

It had been some time since he found this place, and since he found it he had mostly stayed. Some nights he slept within one of the structures rooms, other nights he slept out on the field or in another territory. The north lands were a cold and desolate place. A place perfect for someone like him. Or so he thought. He wandered day in and day out, no purpose left but to endure heartache and the constant pain that plagued his mind. He tried so desperately to forget, and sometimes he did. But at night, the nightmares would come and torment him. He was young, yet he felt old. Trapped in a place he didn't want to be with no way out. But how could he escape in the first place? How could he run away from the things that followed him?

The large brute walked through the snow towards the vessel, his body tired though he hadn't done anything to make it so. It was all in his mind, he knew. But he couldn't stop it. Deep ruby eyes glanced up for a moment, and there a short distance away stood an unfamiliar. A drop of fuchsia splashed against the backdrop of the eternal winter that kept its grip on the world around him. Had they too, come to explore the ruins of the unknown? Or did they live here and had he accidentally trespassed? Either way, he didn't care. The place didn't smell like a pack, and as he drew closer, he noted that if he had to fight, he could easily squash the much smaller wolf into the snow.

He drew closer, though the hulking figure said not a word as he merely glanced at her as he walked past and began to make his way onto the ship. Whether she was here for one reason or another was not his business, and quite frankly he wasn't sure if he was ready for company just yet. Maybe if he minded his own business, she'd go on her way...
