
My Heart I Surrender



4 Years
09-20-2017, 04:31 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2017, 04:32 PM by Jewell.)

Getting home hadn't been an easy feat. If anything it was harder than trying to understand just what had been done to her. She was alienating herself to stay away from everyone. They seemed to view her with pity and she didn't much like it. She didn't want to see that look in their eyes. There was also the fact that she didn't much want to have anyone she didn't know close to her. She was pathetic she was sure. She just didnt know what to make of her home now. Faite wasn't around and that was confusing, then they had brought Ariet here and that was confusing. She just wanted to leave him behind and find those two other smells she had smelled.

She sighed as she hobbled towards the lake. She needed some fresh air and a drink. It was peaceful, if she didn't have the need to look over her shoulder for Ariet every minute. She stopped to do so. Her ears pinned and her tail curled under her. She was having to cope with alot of things and having serious needs to ensure that no one was behind her anymore. There was pain as well. Her leg was always hurting now, even though she did her best to stay off it. She turned her gaze ahead when she was certain no one was behind her. She then proceeded to hobble to the lake side where she could see Rory. She guessed he was taking a break or something. Being the boss had to be stressful. She moved to take a seat near him, though subconsciously she kept him in full sight of her.

She took a few small laps of the water then before flopping over so she was facing Rory and her injured leg was above the other. Flopping was becoming the easier way to lay down for her while her leg healed. She looked to Rory then before she let out a sigh. "Jewell misses Faite.... Wishes Faite come home, explain what Jewell did make Ariet so angry at her. Wishes Rory not be so stressed too. Jewell is sorry, not mean cause Rory stress." were those the right words? She wasn't sure. She sighed then and resorted to her native tongue. "Je pense que je t'aime, Rory. Vous êtes ma sécurité, mon sauveur, et je veux vous aider, je ne sais pas comment. Je ne peux même pas m'aider." her words were breathy and soft as she spoke in French. One day he would understand the words she was sure. But she probably had just confused him. She rolled over to lay on her stomach and stretched her leg out. She eyed the water ahead of them. She couldn't remember if she had come her on chance or perhaps if she had smelled him and subconsciously followed his scent. Either way it didn't much matter now.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.