
And So It Goes



7 Years
Dire wolf
09-23-2017, 05:43 PM

“If it would please you your grace.” He said with a cordial bow, the boy completely forgotten. He would need to give her the abridged verion, although he doubted she would mind, the full and complete story of The Conquest Of Ley was meant for a large audience of many to hear of the greatness of the god they had forgotten and the powerful templars who carried the stories to them.

“I’m sure by now you’ve seen the relics; the strange stones and formations far too purposeful to have been made by nature and far too elaborate and heavy to have been crafted by wolf.” He started and sat to make himself more comfortable. Without waiting for a reply he continued.

“It’s because they were crafted by Gods.” He said, his voice deepening gravely. “These gods once roamed freely and for eons their kind tormented wolves; hunting them like deer, stealing them from their homes and using them to create demons. The true lord Ley saw these abominations and wept great tears of fire onto the earth killing the heathen gods and freeing the spells put on their demons although they no longer resembled any mortal wolf.” His chest had raised as he spoke, with conviction, every word an infallible truth, his pale eyes steeled with higher purpose. “Wolves were free once again to take their place on this great earth as the children of the one true god, but as time passed many forgot of his great conquest.” He looked to her again, his features softening as he spoke.

“Some demons still held the old gods in high regard and forced wolves to forget, others were simply too apathetic toward his gift and failed to pass on the tale of his conquest to their children and their children’s children.” He explained. “One wolf however passed the Great Tale to his decedents, a good and holy wolf named Obadiah.” He said and paused to see if heh ad lost the woman’s interest or if  he would be allowed to continue.

speaking you