
Never looking back



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
09-23-2017, 09:36 PM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2017, 09:37 PM by Ásvor.)
It'd been a few seasons, if not more, since Ásvor had seen Valdis. The last time she'd seen her she'd learned that she had found a pack to join, and had been practicing her fighting skills. While Ásvor was somewhat envious of her opportunities, she also valued her freedom quite a bit and had a hard time imagining settling down anywhere. She'd implied to her friend that she would consider it, but that she wasn't sure what her sisters would say. Not that I've seen hide nor hair of them lately, anyway, she thought almost bitterly to herself as she headed through the grove.

Once she'd made the effort to reunite with Valdis, though, Ásvor found no sign of said pack. She was sure Valdis hadn't lied to her, so perhaps the group hadn't worked out? It was discouraging, but she had a feeling she would find her again someday, which was perhaps a silly thing to think of someone she'd met all but two times. Ah, well - clearly she'd left a lasting impression on her. Ásvor wouldn't admit it out loud but she certainly had.

As soon as she caught even a hint of her scent while traveling, she hadn't been able to deter herself from trailing after it. After so long, she truly wondered how Valdis had been faring. Had her pack simply moved, or had she found another place to call home? Curious, she pressed on, her ears flicking in curiosity every so often as her friend's scent grew stronger with each moment that passed.