
The path to righteousness

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
09-24-2017, 06:01 PM

The man hummed thoughtfully. He shoved away the questing muzzle, paw connecting roughly with the herald's chest. A soft grunt was forced from his jaws, and he took a few steps back. Roughly shaking out his pelt, he attempted to swallow the pang of hurt. Michael was an ass sometimes, for reasons unknown. Unimpressed and without care for the worry of his brother, Michael scoffed harshly. "I've been busy, just as you should have been. The word of our father will not spread itself." He all but snarled. Tall alabaster auds would tilt back, brows drawing together. Why was he being so needlessly cruel? Before their departure he had not been so aggressive. Was it because he too feared the wrath of their Father?

"I have shared the gospel with many, Michael. No need for such tones." The titan warned, baritones remaining smooth. He could all but taste the waves of anger that radiated from the other male. This didn't look like it was headed anywhere good. The thoughtful hum rumbled from Michael's chest once more.

A blow to his chest, unanticipated and brutal, shoved him backwards. His haunches folded beneath him without his will. Invading his space, in just the way as he had denied Gabriel, Michael thrust his muzzle into the fur of his ruff and snuffled busily. Gabriel wanted to snap at him, clutch an ear between his teeth and remind him of his place. Father's favourite or not, they were brothers. He matched his brother's growl with his own, deeper of tone and just as outraged. "You hide something, the scent of Eden upon your pelt is merely to cloak something else, is it not. Brother, mine, do you think us daft? Come clean of what you hide and I shall let you up." The smaller male snapped. He shoved his paws against Gabriel's chest, trying to push him around and muscle him to the ground. Luckily, with roughly a foot of height on his brother, it wasn't happening any time soon. Claws curved into the dirt, muscles would tense to hold himself right where he was. Not pushing against Michael, but not rolling over to submit either.

"Michael," It was a warning. "we are brothers, and you should take care to remember that. I bathed in the scents of an herb known as lavender, simply for the sake of elevating my emotions." He rumbled, gaze seeking his brother's face. Whiskers caught the breath of his brother, directing his nose towards that of the pale man. "I do not appreciate your distrust, brother. What do you think I have done that worries you so?" He could feel a bruise blooming beneath his pelt, where the sharp point of Michael's shoulder was buried in the muscle relentlessly. Expression would remain passive, calm. He wasn't interested in escalating this altercation.

"Gabriel" Thoughts "Others"


Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.