
The Strength to Carry On


07-02-2013, 11:40 AM

Panic rose in her chest like a tide as Awaken spoke. He wasn't a healer. Clearly the bear wasn't a healer. Ocena was far from a healer. What was she going to do? She couldn't let Gargoyle die. She needed him alive and strong and fighting for the pack that he loved. "Help him. Please." Ocena fought to keep her voice even again, and it was a struggle, but she hoped desperately that she managed it. "Whatever you've learned. Use it." It wasn't an order. It was a request, the desperate request of a desperate woman.

So she stood, silent and useless as Awaken went to work. "I . . . I'm sorry. I don't know where you could find a lemon tree." Her voice cracked a little as the panic rose again at the thought of not being able to find the medicine that would help Gargoyle.

And that was when the behemoth stirred. Her voice was spoken in a soft, hoarse whisper, and Ocena turned to him, only to flinch as the blood spurted outwards and she let out a whimper as he hit the ground with a thud. Nononononononono this couldn't be happening he had to be okay. Panic made her thoughts blur together viciously and the wolfess turned a horrified gaze towards the wolf. "Help him." She begged Awaken even as Gargoyle spoke, his voice a far cry from the rumble that she was used to. But if he was talking, he was going to be okay, right? She needed him to be. She would shred his ears if he wasn't okay.

Leaning down carefully to press her muzzle against Gargoyle's head, Ocena took a deep breath. "Is there anything I can do?" Her voice was even again, under control. She would be strong for all of them.
