
Emperor's New Clothes [Pack Meeting]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
09-26-2017, 05:19 AM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2017, 01:16 PM by Dragon.)

It had been long enough. He had let the pack to themselves so their injuries could heal, and now it was time to call them together. He hoped beyond hope that this meeting would go well, after all, the raiders had done well last season, regardless of losses. They had fought bravely, and he wanted to let them know he had not forgotten them. It was early, the earthen male pulled himself to his paws and shook out his coat. He wiped the grogginess from his eyes, trying to wake himself up before presenting himself to the pack. Kimahri rose and stretched behind him, the scraping of claws upon stone wasn't the most pleasant of sounds, but at this point, Dragon had gotten used to his companions morning ritual. Yawning and collecting himself, he then made his way through the halls towards the main hall of the castle. Today, he'd have the meeting within the castle walls, something he hoped the pack would be grateful for considering it smelled wet outside.

As he passed some of the old broken arch windows, he would stop at one to gaze outside for a moment. Indeed, there was a light drizzle, but it would steadily get stronger and he knew it would be raining quite a bit today. There was no way he was going to make the pack sit outside in that and let them get drenched, no. Besides, he figured the grand hall would be more fitting for today's agenda.

Continuing on his way, the pair came out to the main hall, the castle doors half open as they seemed to be nearly clawing at their hinges. He'd have to figure out a way to fix that for the sake of keeping as much warmth as they could in the castle, as well as a means of defense against potential intruders. Carefully picking his way down the steps, the male moved to sit at the top of the few steps that led up to where the worn out throne sat. Or rather...lied. The intricate chair had been on its side since they arrived, but he wondered if he might one day right it if just to see how comfortable it might be. A new napping place, perhaps? "Do you think they'll be okay with the new changes?" He asked, almost absentmindedly but he sought reassurance and advice from Kimahri. "Why wouldn't they? It benefits us as a whole, and they get rewarded through deeds and hard work well done. It may be different than what they're used to, but it's not a bad thing now, is it?" The idea was to try and implement some of Kimahri's culture into the pack, though the earthen male often worried about whether or not he was doing good enough for the pack..."I guess not...but it's hard to tell with them sometimes. Almost as if they don't like change...but...we've gotta try it out at least, right?" "Right. Don't worry too much about it now, just do it and if they don't like it, there's no harm. At least you tried."

Grinning a bit at that thought, Dragon tilted his head back and called for his pack to gather. He had good news for them. Promotions to be dealt with. It would be a good day despite the dreary world outside, and on top of that he had new proposals and ideas to share with them, and he hoped that they would like these new ideas! He was excited beyond measure, and it was evident in the way he sat there with paws barely able to remain still. Then, he waited.

OOC//Alright guys I got some new and exciting changes coming to the pack! New customs have been added (See pack page, still working on them but will be finished soon), and this meeting will be also celebrating the "graduation" customs for apprentices combo'd with the ranking up of non-apprentices! Which means that all fledglings MUST POST!!! (Unless on absence) Furthermore, I am starting a Talis pack contest every month starting October 1st with great prizes! Raid details will remain vague since there's no clear winner yet, so any injuries for those whose fights have not yet been completed will also remain vague. New things will be discussed in the meeting, though if you'd like to know a bit beforehand feel free to skype me :) First rounds due Oct. 10th! New potential members also welcome unless a thread of them joining is already in progress <3

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.