
I Can Ride My Bike With No Handlebars



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
09-26-2017, 03:19 PM

He was a year old now. They were a year old. The male was left wandering on his own for some time now since he had gotten separated from Ana. Whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, he didn't know. Wasn't sure he cared right now. He remained in the east. Remained in the lands surrounding Abaven, but couldn't go back. He didn't want to go back. He had remembered telling Ty he felt displaced there, and when he ran into his mother some time ago, had told her he didn't want to go back either. Bass was gone, not that it mattered. The male had more or less assumed the role of a father to them, even though he wasn't related to them by any means. He could sense the hostility in the pack towards him and his siblings, and after his sisters had up and disappeared, Cloud had grown more agitated by how everyone fawned and fussed over them and could care less about him and his brother. Hell, he didn't even know if the pack had gone searching for him! Did they...? It was a question begging to be answered.

As the now grown male wandered the area, he couldn't help but think about Tyranis. He had always felt bad about what he did, leaving him behind without a word...but how could he go back and tell Ty he was out? How could he face his brother when he had promised to stick by his side and help him take over? The thoughts were crushing his mind, but it all seemed to grow stronger when that all too familiar scent hit him. Ty? Was that really him that he smelled? What were the odds of that? Raising his head, he tracked his brothers scent until he found him lying there. All alone in a clearing. His ears fell back, but he wouldn't run from his brother. In the end, they only had each other. Then again, all they had was each other since the beginning...or so he thought. He approached from behind, somewhat hesitant as he feared that Ty would lash out and hate him for leaving without a word, but he had to at least try and explain himself and then deal with it afterwards. "Ty?" It was all he could think to say right now, but he knew he wanted to say more.

Walk, "Talk" Think