
turn off all the lights

Dragomir I


07-02-2013, 12:51 PM

His body was hot, on fire, burning with a cocktail of pain, lust, desire, and rage. The rage had always been there, as had the pain, but the lust and desire was something she had brought out in him. Granted, it wasn't easy to arouse his lust and desire, but she had done it without even trying. This is why he wanted her so badly, and this is why he had to have her. And have her he would. His insides twisted and writhed, begging for her touch, her warmth. He wanted her here and now. Her growl resulted in a chuckle that dripped from his jaws like saliva. He smirked, did she really think herself threatening? Her little growl was nothing more than a pup could manage, a helpless pup. It was pitiful, really - but it would make taking her for his own all the more entertaining. If she put up a fight he could vanquish her with ease, and the joy of defeat would ring in his ears.

He watched with amusement as she twisted into a position not unlike his own, mirroring his stance and seemingly preparing for battle. So, she did intend to fight. How quaint. She went on talking about something called Seracia. He imagined it was her pack. So they would fight in her stead, would they? "Tell me darling, does this pack of yours know where you are at this very second? The most information they'd get is your corpse - and that's only if you misbehave. Darling, that's a horrible scare tactic. They couldn't hope of finding your kidnapper because quite frankly - you don't even know who the monster is." Ah yes, that was the genius of his plan. Even if she got away from him she wouldn't have a name to drop to her precious Seracia.

It would be then that his features began to twitch, not in a manner that was inherently obvious - but was certainly noticeable in these close quarters. He backed an inch or two, recoiling into his own mind as he felt his body cool and the fire within him distinguish. He gave a groan, followed by an incessant cry of anguish. Recoiling back another step his breathing became ragged and quick. A snarl ripped from his throat as the dominant ego took the reigns. Dragomir was back. He writhed, unable to remember what had just happened. Eyes of coal snapped open and he noted the woman in a defensive state of being. What had Rotterdam done? "Go." He choked out the word, sputtering on his ragged breaths. "Go now." Immediately he would pivot so his side was facing her, hoping she would have the good sense to run like hell.

"Speech" (Translation)