


07-02-2013, 01:05 PM

Adrenaline began to pulse in his veins as he slithered forward when the two were in the optimal position. The bull knew they were present given Cross' decision to run back to them, but Gerhardt didn't blame the boy for his actions - he probably didn't know any better. As the King prepared himself he glanced to the skies briefly to seek out the eagle, but she was nowhere in sight. He knew she was preparing herself - she was his secret weapon. Gerhardt lifted himself to his full height, intending to distract the bull with his presence. When he felt that the beast had his eye turned toward him, the tri-colored wolf sprang forward in a purposeful charge, noting a shadow cast across his face. Robin was flying with him, just above him by a few feet. The two moved in tandem and as the eagle let out a shrill call, a snarl ripped from the King's throat. The bird moved forward then, diving at the bull's face and aiming her sharp talons for the right eye. Those three inch long claws hit their mark with absolute precision, leaving a streak of blood down the bull's face and a distinct blindness in that eye. Gerhardt launched himself as the bird pulled upward, jaws splayed open in seek of the now raging bull's trachea. The half blinded behemoth came forward, seeking revenge for his lost eye. Gerhardt gave a bark for his comrades to make their move, though he wasn't certain it would be heard over the bawling of the monster. Robin was rallying, aiming an attempt on the left eye, though as the bull thrashed his head she was knocked off course and forced to fly back the way she came. It seemed the beast was keen on keeping what was left of his eyesight.


Robin speech