
Never looking back



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
10-02-2017, 08:07 PM
For a brief moment, she wondered if Valdis might find her insistence upon finding her a bit strange. They'd only met twice, and yet Valdis was quite easily her closest friend besides her own family. Perhaps that said more about Ásvor's relationships with others than anything else, but alas - if the other woman found it strange, she certainly made no signs of it. Ásvor watched as Valdis noticed her, her gaze falling on her friend's battle-scarred features. What was first a smile, lightening her normally stoic features, slowly shifted into something more neutral as she saw her slight limp and slightly unkempt fur that suggested she'd been in some kind of fight.

For a moment she stared, her brows furrowing in concentration, as she tried to get a better look at Valdis. While she was clearly quite happy to see her, she couldn't help but wonder what had happened. "Valdis," she returned the greeting with ease, leaning toward her slightly to bump her snout gently against her friend's shoulder. She was unsure the extent of her injuries, so her touch was careful. "I've been well. Bored, but well." Ásvor grinned a bit, sniffing slightly at the air as she pulled back a step. "What about you? Tell me, what on earth happened?" Her scent told Ásvor that she was part of a pack again, which partially pleased her. At least if she was in some sort of danger, she had wolves around to keep her safe - or so she hoped. Her eyes narrowed as she let her eyes rove over her friend's coat, wondering top herself if any of her injuries needed to be tended to.