
Talis Posting Contest #1



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
10-03-2017, 12:36 AM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2017, 02:54 PM by Dragon.)
Talis Posting Contest


Welcome to Talis' first new posting contest! This is also going to double as a sort of activity check in an attempt to get the pack into gear with more activity! You don't have to post as rigorously as with the past site contest, no. But I would appreciate some effort in it because those who post the most will receive some very fabulous prizes! I am going to try to do this every month in an effort to try and keep activity going, and I hope this motivates you guys to want to post more with your Talis wolves! I have high hopes for this because I think ya'll will like the prizes, and if not then I am convinced you don't have any souls .-.

How's it going to work?

The way it's going to work, is I will start a posting contest/activity check at the beginning of every month, and it will run until Midnight Ardent time at the end of the month. There will be rewards for those who do the most posts in each contest, and they will vary. The more posts your character does, the better your chances of winning (duh). On top of that, characters who start a training thread and successfully complete it during the time of that month's contest, will receive a small prize even if they didn't win the contest for that month. There can be a max of three(3) winners per contest.  Training threads can be anything skill related, so hunting, healing, fighting, crafting, navigating, gathering, pack hunts, group game threads (tag, hide and seek, etc). So go! do!

Okay, so what can I win? Is it worth it?

You bet your britches it'll be worth it! Prizes will vary, but there will always be something good!
It can range from gems, items from the gemstore, donation to the site in your name, In character promotions, commissions from a deviantartist or a commission from a fellow Ardentian! Please be aware that prizes will not always be the same, and I will only ever put up a list of prizes available for that month that I can afford at the time. So if you want a commission from say...Mr.doodlepants who does a commission you want and it costs like $60, or whatever, then there is an option to stack your winnings (info on that in last section). I will also be compiling a list of artists that winners can pick to receive a prize from, and it can be found on my DA! (Link to come) and it's always being updated so check it often! If you guys have artist recommendations, please let me know so I can add them to the list :) I can also provide you with links to the artists whose commission prices match the amount you won that month! (provided you choose not to stack).

October Prize List

As mentioned before, prizes will vary each month depending on what I can afford, but rest assured that the prizes will still be quite fabulous!

First place: Commission up to $20  OR $20 donation to Ardent OR item from gemstore worth up to 500 gems

Second place: Commission up to $10 OR $10 donation to Ardent OR item from gemstore worth up to 250 gems

Third place: Commission up to $5 OR $5 donation to Ardent OR 100 gems.

But wait, there's more!
Characters who win consecutively will have the option of stacking their prize for a much bigger and better prize! For example: Dragon comes in first, second, or third place for the months of October, November, and December. Instead of "redeeming" my choice prizes for October and November, I can redeem in December. So say there's a $20 first place prize for October, and a $15 second place prize for November and a $20 prize for December, you can choose to stack it for a total of $55! (assuming you won first, second, or third place by the end of December too). That can go towards donation to Ardent, or commission(s) from one or several artists up to that amount. Keep in mind, however, that if you choose stack prizes, then the prizes have to be the same. Ie, if you pick gems in October, and you want to stack, then you must choose gems in the following months (provided you are in first, second, or third place consecutively). You can of course, choose to stop stacking at any time to select a different prize. And stacking will stop if your character does not come in first, second, or third place.

The winners for each month will be posted on a new section of Talis' pack page (TBA when we get some names to put up lol)

Be sure to post with the character participating or else it won't count, sorry!
<a href=LINK>Post #</a>
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.