
Where we're headed[Morningstar fam bam meeting]



3 Years
10-03-2017, 10:02 PM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2017, 01:45 AM by Mammon.)

Mammon was eyeing a hare in the distance, its tantalizing scent was already leaving her salivating and she was about to pounce on her quarry when a howl rang out for her... well her and her siblings. The rabbit bolted and Mammon gave a curse, pounding after it just missing as it ducked into it's warren. She snorted derisively at the hole in the ground but quickly forgot it as she heard Levi's summons. 

She didn't bother trying to catch up with him knowing they'd eventually end up in the same place. She approached the pair just in time to hear her brother's final question. She rolled her eyes but still nosed at her brother's cheek before approaching her father. She paused for a moment, well everyone was getting into fights weren't they? Still a genuine smile pulled at her lips and she finally reached her father. "Hey, Dad-" She pushed her nose into his cheek fur and had been about to give him a friendly greeting when she really took in her father's scent. 

It was his but there were something else... another scent. That of a man. It was one she had committed to memory, in her mind it was tinged with the acrid tang of blood. She pulled back from her embrace, her eye cold and her lips curling slightly. 

"Found a new bedfellow father?" It wasn't a real question, her tone icy. "Have you already forgotten what he took from us? From me?" She paused again a growl rumbling in her throat. "I will not forget, and I will never forgive." She turned then and settled herself beside her brother, icy gaze scanning the horizon, expecting to see her father's new "companion" arrive at any moment. She would tear his throat out herself. 

Walk "Levi" "Ava" Think

Leviathan or "Levi" as Mammon's brother and lover is welcome to crash all her threads regardless of tag rating.[Image: GMZH5Ns.png]