
Where we're headed[Morningstar fam bam meeting]



5 Years
Dire wolf
10-04-2017, 04:43 AM
His children arrived and each had their questions. His ears pressed with Ava's though. Hers was the only one that aimed to hurt him with more than words. He would have to put his paw down eventually. It seemed though that three of them would not come as he waited to see them at least on the horizon. He closed his eyes and let a sigh pass his lips. He couldn't wait much longer, and Gabe was not coming either it seemed. That hurt the most. That Gabe would ignore him still. Did Gabe still punish him for picking fights with Michael? He opened his eyes and directed them at his three children that had arrived.

"Let's get down to it then.... first off yes there is a reason I dragged you out here Levi. Secondly I'll address the problem Ava is now reminding me I have..... yes I've been spending time with your uncle Gabriel. The reason is as simple as this. He doesn't expect forgiveness, and sad to say that hurting him no longer hurts only Abba. To hurt Gabriel is to hurt me, which in turn hurts us all then. Not physically would it hurt you but I'm sure you can remember the depression I fell into after your mother and her sister." his tone turned grave when he spoke of his former loves. To think of them still hurt but he could not allow it to surface as he still had children to raise. He hoped they understood. He wouldn't explain that Gabriel was forced to choose between his love for Abba or his love for Sam, they likely wouldn't care. He expected Ava to blow up and Levi to follow her in such tantrums, but he did hope Anabiel wouldn't. If she did then perhaps he needed to rethink his children's places.

He gave another sigh. This was hurting him that his children would expect him to never move on nor find someone he could be happy with. Sure he could of chosen to ignore his feelings for gabe but he wasn't perfect either. It was time to discuss something they could all hopefully look forward to. "Now for the two reasons I have called you together under such circumstances. Your uncle and I have both been attacked, him verbally and me physically now twice. It has been done by Michael, and I want all three of you to steer clear for now, the time will come when we will be allowed to rip him to pieces. For now I must bide my time and wait until he decides how he will play what I'm assuming is this game of cat and mouse. My wounds will heal, but he will scar, though I didn't quite make my aim of his sight last time." his aim must be getting off. Though Michael was aiming to kill him both times so he had been more concerned with keeping the smaller man away from anything vital.

He eyed his children for any signs they would defy this one order. But more for their reactions to his next declaration. "That brings me to the biggest point in this. I will not stand idly by as Michael and Abba wage war on my children or those we love. I will be starting a pack here to give us all a place to call our own. I'll not expect you to join but for the sake of safety of each of you as it seems your siblings will not answer our calls anymore, I ask you to consider putting your hatred into a better use. I'm defying Abba openly by doing this and I expect to have an attack from him one way or another. Right now he outnumbers us, and I seek to even our odds. This is also a way to ensure if one of them step for over our borders they would be slaughtered on sight. I'm not seeking to make any of you fight for the ranks you do deserve but ill not assign an heir among you without first watching you work for the rank either. Who works hardest and I deem fit of mind will be given such the title. I want each of your input on this, and confirmation that you will join. Then I would like to hear suggestions on where we should stake our claim." he didn't want to hear arguments or accusations about Gabe right now. If they started then he would be taking his leave for them each to think about this situation and the danger they each were in now that Michael had decided to threaten more than just him. Hopefully he wasn't out there attacking Gabe right now.

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.